Od romantičnog simbola do omraženog štetočine ~ From a romantic symbol to a hated pest

in BANAT2 years ago
Golub se svrstava među prve pripitomljene životinjske vrste koja je tokom istorije imala višestruke namene. Ove ptice imale su ulogu golub pismonosa još u periodu Mesopotamije, kao i u antičko vreme kada su prenosili rezultate Olimpijskih igara i brojniih sportskih događanja.The pigeon is one of the first domesticated animal species that had multiple purposes throughout history. These birds played the role of carrier pigeons in the period of Mesopotamia, as well as in ancient times when they transmitted the results of the Olympic Games and numerous sporting events.


U savremenom svetu, održavanje golubova za uzgoj, obuku i učešće na takmičenjima postaje sve popularnije.Raznovrsnost svih vrsta stena zadivljuje svojim lepotama. Hraniti domaće golubove, brinuti se za njih, sprečiti bolesti - sva ova pitanja su veoma zanimljiva za početnike u poslovima uzgoja ukrasnih ptica.In the modern world, keeping pigeons for breeding, training and participation in competitions is becoming increasingly popular.The diversity of all types of rocks amazes with its beauty. Feeding domestic pigeons, taking care of them, preventing diseases - all these questions are very interesting for beginners in the business of breeding ornamental birds.


U mitološkim i religijskim tumačenjima golubovi su povezivani sa skladom, blagostanjem, plodnošću, dugovečnošću, oproštajem i božjom milošću. Simbol mira golub je postao 1949. godine kada ga je sa grančicom u kljunu nacrtao Pablo Pikaso koji, iako je prevashodno video njegovu predatorsku stranu, za ćerku odabrao Paloma ime koje na španskom jeziku znači golubica.In mythological and religious interpretations, pigeons are associated with harmony, prosperity, fertility, longevity, forgiveness, and God's grace. The dove became a symbol of peace in 1949, when it was drawn with a twig in its beak by Pablo Picasso, who, although he primarily saw its predatory side, chose the name Paloma, which means dove in Spanish, for his daughter.


Međutim, njihove biološke potrebe su ono što ih skida sa romantičnog trona i dodeljuje im status štetočina u gradovima u kojima žive u velikom broju. Letačke veštine, lepotu i inteligenciju golubova u savremenom svetu vrednuju još zaljubljenici u ovu vrstu ptica, dok su za ostale golubovi izvor brojnih nepoželjnih situacija.However, their biological needs are what take them off the romantic throne and give them the status of pests in the cities where they live in large numbers. Flying skills, beauty and intelligence of pigeons in the modern world are valued by lovers of this species of birds, while for other pigeons they are the source of numerous undesirable situations.


• Da li ste znali da golubovi imaju jedinstvenu viziju? Oni nisu u mogućnosti da oslepce sunce, ili sjajni odsjaj iz mašine za elektricnu zavarivanje. Čak i blicevi lasera ne nanose štetu na mrežnjaču golubovog oka. Kada nije bilo telefona ili pošte, golub je bio po istoj cijeni kao čistokrvni staljon.• Did you know that pigeons have a unique vision? They are not able to blind the sun, or a bright glare from an electric welding machine. Even laser flashes do not damage the retina of the pigeon's eye. When there was no telephone or mail, the pigeon was at the same price as a purebred stallion.


• U drevnim vremenima golub je smatran totemskom životinjom, koja je patronizovala čoveka. U Australiji, ptica je favorizovala samo žene.• Hrišćani smatraju golubove Božjim pticama. U drevnim vremenima, postavljeni su u grobove mučenika kao simbol vaskrsenja.• In ancient times, the pigeon was considered a totem animal, which patronized man. In Australia, the bird favored only women.• Christians consider pigeons to be God's birds. In ancient times, they were placed in the tombs of martyrs as a symbol of resurrection.


Engleski nije moj maternji jezik, pa se izvinjavam ako ima grešaka u kucanju. Nadam se da me razumete.Pozdrav dragi moji prijatelji, vaša Mari!English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are typos. I hope you understand me. Greetings dear my friends, your Mari!

Their coloring is so unique.
I'm sure that in Sarajevo, the pigeons outnumber the people 100 to 1.
I think it's cool that in the Balkans, people give food to the birds.
I do that in America for the crows, but my neighbors usually think I'm a weirdo.

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