Zašto ljudi moraju da ulaze u naše živote ako će otići?🫠~Why do people have to come into our lives if they are going to leave?🫠

in BANATlast year

Zdravo Hiver-i☺️

Uvek smo se pitali zašto ljudi dolaze i odlaze iz naših života. Zašto su uopšte ušli u naše živote ako će otići?😒 Ja sam se uvek toga pitala, a možda i dan danas tražim pravi odgovor.😶

Hi Hiver's☺️
We have always wondered why people come and go from our lives. Why did they come into our lives in the first place if they are going to leave?😒 I've always wondered that, and maybe even today I'm looking for the right answer.😶

Kroz moj život je prošlo mnogo ljudi, za neke mi je drago što su izašli iz mog života i pitam se koji su đavo uopšte i bili tu i zašto sam im uopšte dala privilegiju da budu tu.🤨 Za neke ljude ne prihvatam i dalje činjenicu da su došli samo da bi otišli.
Ja sam generalno osoba koja se jako brzo vezuje za dobre ljude, ili ih ja ustvari mnogo idealizujem i za mene su dobri.😔

Many people have passed through my life, for some I am glad that they left my life and I wonder who the hell they were there in the first place and why I gave them the privilege to be there in the first place.🤨 For some people, I still don't accept the fact that they came only to leave.
I am generally a person who gets attached to good people very quickly, or I actually idealize them a lot and they are good for me.😔


Imala sam jednu drugaricu koja se zove Minja. Bila nas je povezala neka totalna glupost, njen brat, zaljubila sam se bila u njenog brata, pa sam ušla u vezu sa njim, pa mi je kroz vezu sa njim, njegova sestra postala najbolji prijatelj.🤞🏻

I had a friend named Minja. We were connected by some total stupidity, her brother, I fell in love with her brother, so I got into a relationship with him, and through a relationship with him, his sister became my best friend.🤞🏻


Kada sam raskinula sa njenim bratom, ja sam imala još bliži odnos sa Minjom, provodile bi satima zajedno🕤, išle smo svuda zajedno, izlazile smo zajedno🥂, imale smo 1001 avanture zajedno i doživljaje.🧭
Ona je malo mlađa od mene, godinu dana, i ona je tip osobe koja se isto brzo vezuje za ljude, ali kada neko nov uđe u njen život ona kao da malo zanemari svog starog prijatelja, a tako je i bilo.🙃

When I broke up with her brother, I had an even closer relationship with Minja, we would spend hours together🕤, we went everywhere together, we went out together🥂, we had 1001 adventures and experiences together.🧭
She is a little younger than me, a year, and she is the type of person who gets attached to people just as quickly, but when someone new enters her life, she seems to neglect her old friend a little, and that's how it was.🙃


Nas dve smo se družile od 2019. godine do ove 2022.
Mnogo je volim, i ako se pokazala na kraju kao neko koga ne trebam toliko doživljavati, kao nekog velikog čoveka, a samo to nije ispala prema meni.
Kada je ušla u njen život nova osoba, nije me izbrisala potpuno, samo me je malo stavila po strani, i osećala sam se kao nešto što mora da se odstrani, kao kada od pomorandže🍊 odstranjujemo koru, e pa ja sam se osećala kao ta kora u kanti za đubre.🗑

The two of us dated from 2019 until this year, 2022.
I love her very much, and if she turned out in the end to be someone I shouldn't perceive so much, as a great person, and that's not the only thing she didn't like for me.
When a new person came into her life, she didn't erase me completely, she just put me aside a little, and I felt like something that had to be removed, like when we remove the peel from an orange🍊, well, I felt like that peel in the garbage can.🗑


Počela je da provodi vreme samo sa njom, počela je da me zaboravlja.
Tražila sam objašnjenje, zašto to radi, i uvek je njen odgovor bio da ja grešim i da uglavnom preuveličavam.
Verovatno samo nisam navikla da nas je tri, prvo sam to pomislila.🤷🏻‍♀️
Ali nas dve smo slavile godišnjice prijateljstva🎉, takav je naš odnos bio, bile smo kao sestre samo od druge majke.👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏼
Ona je u sobi imala moju sliku u ramu, a ja sam imala naše zajedničke slike u ramu.

She started spending time only with her, she started forgetting me.
I asked for an explanation, why she does it, and her answer was always that I was wrong and that I was mostly exaggerating.
I'm probably just not used to there being three of us, that's what I thought at first.🤷🏻‍♀️
But the two of us celebrated our friendship anniversaries🎉, that's how our relationship was, we were like sisters only from another mother.👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏼
She had my picture in a frame in her room, and I had our pictures together in a frame.


Ovo leto, mislim da mi je bilo dosta toga, da me neko izbegava jer ne ume da mi kaze da me više ne želi u svom životu❌️, bilo mi je dosta da me neko iskorišćava samo kada ne može ta treća osoba biti sa njom.❗️
Napisala sam joj poruku💬 na koju mi ni dan danas nije otvorila i odgovorila, ali znam da ju je pročitala.

This summer, I think I've had enough of someone avoiding me because they can't tell me that they don't want me in their life anymore❌️, I've had enough of someone taking advantage of me only when that third person can't be with them.❗️
I wrote her a message💬 that she hasn't opened and answered to this day, but I know she read it.


Trebale smo ići zajedno na more🌊, ona, njena treća osoba, još dve drugarice i ja. Međutim, otkazala mi je putovanje u zadnjem času samo zato što treća osoba nije želela ići, tada sam ustvari skroz završila sa njom, i otišla sam sa drugaricom iz detinjstva na more👭🏻, i mislim da je tako dobro i ispalo jer da nije tako ispalo, ja ne bih upoznala svoju ljubav, svog sadašnjeg dečka.💗

We were supposed to go to the sea together🌊, she, her third person, two other friends and me. However, she canceled my trip at the last minute just because the third person didn't want to go, then I actually ended up with her altogether, and I went to the sea with my childhood friend👭🏻, and I think it turned out so well because if it didn't turn out that way, I wouldn't have met my love, my current boyfriend.💗


Nedostaje mi, ali nedostaje mi Minja koja je bila malo razumnija i malo svesvnija nekih stvari.✅️
Ja sam razumela da Minja treba imati i druge drugarice, i da može da se druži sa svima, kao što ih imam i ja i kao što se ja družim sa svima, samo što ja nikada nisam nikoga izbegavala niti koristila, pa ni Minju.😏
Znam da joj nekada nedostajem, jer neće više imati prijatelja poput mene, jer sam je ja razumela najbolje, najbolje sam mogla da je utešim i budem tu za nju, jer nas dve smo jako slične osobe.🤯

I miss her, but I miss Minja, who was a little more reasonable and a little more aware of some things.✅️
I understood that Minja should have other friends, and that she can hang out with everyone, just as I have them and I hang out with everyone, except that I never avoided or used anyone, not even Minja.😏
I know that she sometimes misses me, because she will no longer have friends like me, because I understood her the best, I could comfort her the best and be there for her, because we are both very similar people.🤯


Žao mi je što neki ljudi dođu samo da bi nam dokazali da postoje ljudi koju tek tako mogu da odu i izbrišu sve uspomene i pravo prijateljstvo, ali ustvari da je bilo pravo još bi trajalo zar ne?🥲
Ne kajem se ni momenat što sam joj bila prijatelj i što sam nekada mnoge stvari rizikovala zbog nje, meni je to bio lep period😌, žao mi je samo što sam toliko verovala nekome i napravila budalu od sebe, zato možda danas nemam ni jednu pravu drugaricu.😬

I'm sorry that some people come just to prove to us that there are people who can just leave and erase all memories and real friendship, but actually if it was real it would still last right?🥲
I don't regret for a moment that I was her friend and that I once risked many things for her, it was a good period for me😌, I'm only sorry that I trusted someone so much and made a fool of myself, that's why I don't have a single real friend today.😬


Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke🫠

Greeting from your Rebecca🫠


People come and go to give US lesson learned. As we grew older, sometimes better for us to be alone rather than make a friend.

Don't think you are fool because trust someone too much. But that's life. And you Will be have important experience for that.

By the way, it Will be great if you give your time a little more to make engagement on community. Support each other and making comment on other post. We have to make positive impact for community 🌸

Have a great day!

To be honest, I feel even lighter since I thought for myself, at least now she taught me to choose my friends carefully.
Thank you for your opinion and this comment, life has a lot to teach us.🍀

Glad you feel ligther 🌸
You still have beautiful life in the future Im sure about it even without her ❤️

Ja iskreno mislim da ljudi udju u naš život, i ni na kraj pameti im nije da će iz njega izaći, desi se,žao mi je zbog toga, ali sam siguran dok je sve bilo super da je i ona isto to osećala, samo se kasnije nešto promenilo, kao i ona kao osoba i vaš odnos. Zato uvek dolaze novi ljudi 😁✌

Ne znam, ona zna najbolje kako se osećala dok je bila moj prijatelj. Ali za sve postoji neki razlog, ko zna zašto je morala da izađe iz mog života. Sudbina je nekada čunda.🫣

I believe we must all know when it is time to move on from those around us who don't value us. Your friend seems superficial to me and someone you're best off walking away from. It's not always easy to do so, however often it's the best way.

I agree, and I think I did the right thing, which was to let her go, thanks for the comment.

You are welcome. It's good to see a young person value herself enough to move on from someone who does not.