Moć prirode.🌳 The power of nature.🌳

in BANAT11 months ago

Gledam dzinovsko nebo i još veće planine. Ptice preleću. Gotovo da osećam blizinu i veličinu tog dela prirode. Ostajem bez daha pred lepotom. Pejzaž se pretvara u entitet savršenih dimenzija. Osećam se malom i beznačajnom pred njim. Osećam kako gubim kontrolu pred njegovom veličinom. Priroda dominira nada mnom. Divim se svemu što vidim. Priroda je moćna, ne čovek. Priroda može bez nas, čovek bez prirode ne.
Često se osećam kao gorštak. Ovakvi susreti me podsećaju na to.

I look at the giant sky and even bigger mountains. Birds fly over. I can almost feel the proximity and greatness of that part of nature. I am breathless in front of the beauty. The landscape turns into an entity of perfect dimensions. I feel small and insignificant in front of him. I feel myself losing control at his size. Nature dominates me. I admire everything I see. Nature is powerful, not man. Nature can do without us, man can't without nature.
I often feel like a hillbilly. Meetings like this remind me of that.


Oduvek sam imala strahopoštovanje prema prirodi. Fascinira me njena mirnoća i savršen sklad. Sve teče i sve se menja u pravom momentu. Naše je da to primetimo.

I have always been in awe of nature. I am fascinated by her calmness and perfect harmony. Everything flows and everything changes at the right moment. It is ours to notice.


Najbolji izvor energije, najbolji lek, najveća inspiracija, najbolja uteha je u prirodi i vreme koje provedemo u njoj.

The best source of energy, the best medicine, the greatest inspiration, the best comfort is in nature and the time we spend in it.




Lekovitost prirode je besplatna.Trošimo novac na psihologe, lajfkoča, psiho testove, lekove za smirenje, a priroda nas zove i podseća da se vratimo njoj, svom izvoru.

Nature's healing is free. We spend money on psychologists, life coaches, psycho tests, tranquilizers, and nature calls us and reminds us to return to it, our source.

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!