Radite ono što vas jača! 💪🪄 Do what makes you stronger! 💪🪄

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Kiša. ☔️
Sivi oblaci. Pala je temperatura. Barice i ponegde opalo žuto lišće. Odmor i školski raspusti su se završili. Nestala je magija leta. Počele su obaveze i povratak u realnost.

Rain. ☔️
Gray clouds. The temperature dropped. Ponds and some fallen yellow leaves. Vacation and school holidays are over. The magic of summer is gone. Duties and the return to reality began.

Pokušavam da zadržim dobro raspoloženje ali primećujem oko sebe da ljudi to teško podnose. Zašto? Imam utisak da kad vas vide srećnog i nasmejanog uprkos svemu, ne vole. Paradoksalno ali tako je. Imam utisak da vam sreću ne praštaju. Čini mi se da ih to podseća na njihovu gorčinu i nemoć. Tada počinju da vas nagovaraju da je to neprirodno i pokušavaju da vas nagovore da to ne možete tako zauvek jer zapravo ONI ne umeju da budu takvi, a vi ste sasvim ok.

I try to keep a good mood, but I notice around me that people are having a hard time with it. Why? I have the impression that when they see you happy and smiling despite everything, they don't like you. Paradoxical, but that's how it is. I have the impression that they don't forgive you luck. It seems to me that it reminds them of their bitterness and powerlessness. Then they start telling you that it's unnatural and try to convince you that you can't do it like that forever because actually THEY can't be like that, and you're perfectly fine.



Kao ovo parče hleba ili ovo jaje.

Like this piece of bread or this egg.

Jednostavno ste dobro. Zadovoljni i zahvalni. Radost vam daje zdravlje i lep izgled. Ali ljudska priroda je takva. Ne mogu vam to oprostiti. Zašto ste vi srećni a oni nisu?
Stalno ih podsećate na njihovu bezvoljnost.
Kada im je previše toga, počnu da vas rovare, ispituju, šalju negativne misli kao otrovne strelice koje vas truju i slabe. Ako ne slušate svoje srce i dozvolite da to utiče na vas, izgorićete i biti slomljeni. Da, baš kao ovo parče hleba i ljuske od ovog jajeta!

You're just fine. Satisfied and grateful. Joy gives you health and good looks. But human nature is like that. I can't forgive you for that. Why are you happy and they are not?
You constantly remind them of their listlessness.
When it's too much for them, they start probing you, questioning you, sending negative thoughts like poison darts that poison and weaken you. If you don't listen to your heart and let it affect you, you will burn out and be broken. Yes, just like this piece of bread and this egg shell!



Ne dozvolite da vas usisaju, ne dozvolite da vas udalje od vaše pozitivne prirode.
Do skoro nisam bila svesna ljudske zlobe. Ali ima je svuda i sve više.
Sklonite se od takvih ljudi. Okružite se dobrim ljudima sa dobrom namerom.
Kako to prepoznati? Pa jednostavno se sa takvim ljudima osećate dobro. Dobri ljudi vas podstiču na razvijanje. Vole vas bezuslovno. Kada vas kritikuju to rade konstruktivno. Kao kada roditelji vaspitavaju svoju decu da se razvijaju u samostalne i jake ljude.
Ne dozvolite da vam kradu energiju. Ne puštajte pijavice i parazite u svoj život!
Bolje naučite da uživate sa samim sobom nego sa stotinu lažnih prijatelja. Jačajte sebe kroz kreativnost, fizičku aktivnost, obrazovanje.

Don't let them suck you in, don't let them take you away from your positive nature.
I was not aware of human malice until recently. But it is everywhere and more and more.
Stay away from such people. Surround yourself with good people with good intentions.
How to recognize it? You simply feel good with such people. Good people encourage you to develop. They love you unconditionally. When they criticize you, they do so constructively. Like when parents raise their children to develop into independent and strong people.
Don't let them steal your energy. Don't let leeches and parasites into your life!
You better learn to enjoy yourself with yourself than with a hundred fake friends. Strengthen yourself through creativity, physical activity, education.

Ostanite svoji i jaki! Budite zadovoljni svakim malim uspehom! Budite srećni sa svime što imate!
Otvorite um kao padobran i slećite na sopstvene noge i učite svakog dana iz situacija!

Stay yourself and be strong! Be satisfied with every small success! Be happy with everything you have!
Open your mind like a parachute and land on your own feet and learn from situations every day!


Završavam ovaj post deleći sa vama dobre misli, uzimam četkicu, boje i platno. Sad ću naslikati nešto lepo.

I end this post by sharing good thoughts with you, I take a brush, paints and a canvas. Now I'm going to paint something nice.

A mislim da se i sunce stidljivo probija kroz oblake.🌥🌤

And I think the sun is shyly breaking through the clouds.🌥🌤

Pozdrav svim dobrim ljudima i onima koji će to tek postati. . . ☀️👋

Greetings to all good people and those who will become good people. . . ☀️👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!