Za čistiju Planetu! 🌎 For a cleaner Planet!

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Svako ima svoju terapiju 😁, ja- fizički rad! Živim pored 5 zgrada, svi tuda prolaze i parkiraju automobile ali niko neće da čisti. 😒
Nisam mogla više to da gledam pa sam uzela svoj skroman alat i počela. . .
Ovako je izgledalo, zapušteno i u korovu:

Everyone has their own therapy 😁, me - physical work! I live next to 5 buildings, everyone passes by and parks their cars, but no one wants to clean. 😒
I couldn't watch it anymore, so I took my humble tool and started. . .
This is what it looked like, neglected and overgrown with weeds:




Svest ljudi o ekologiji još uvek nije dovoljno razvijena. Nekada vi nemate ličnu korist i niko vam ne plati, ali treba raditi za opšte dobro svih nas. Jednostavno da bi vam lepo izgledala okolina u kojoj živite. Često se baš na ovom mestu igraju deca jer nemaju drugo mesto za igru.
Trudila sam se da dam sve od sebe najbolje što mogu.

People's awareness of ecology is still not sufficiently developed. Sometimes you have no personal benefit and no one pays you, but you should work for the common good of all of us. Simply to make the environment in which you live look nice. Children often play in this place because they have no other place to play.
I tried to do my best.




Neki ljudi su prolazili nisu čak ni pitali da li mi treba pomoć. ☹️
Nema veze, radila sam jer sam htela, svakako. Samo mi i dalje nije jasno zašto su ljudi toliko sebični.
Nastavila sam.

Some people passed by and didn't even ask if I needed help. ☹️
It doesn't matter, I worked because I wanted to, of course. I just still don't understand why people are so selfish.
I continued.




Rad + vrućina= 3 litre znoja. 🤪😅
Polako sam završavala. Toliko sam radila da sam slomila i dršku od lopate. 😆

Work + heat = 3 liters of sweat. 🤪😅
I finished slowly. I worked so hard that I broke the handle of the shovel. 😆




Dvorište je izgledalo urednije, a ja sam dobila jake mišiće! 😆💪💪💪
Glupo je da ljudi plate da idu u vežbaonice i teretane, znoje se u zatvorenim prostorijama, lepše je na vazduhu, skidate kilograme i ne platite ništa! 😆
Završila sam moju misiju, dvorište je očišćeno! 🤩✨

The yard looked neater and I gained strong muscles! 😆💪💪💪
It's stupid that people pay to go to gyms and exercise rooms, they sweat in closed rooms, it's nicer in the air, you lose weight and don't pay anything! 😆
I completed my mission, the yard is cleared! 🤩✨





Hvala unapred što me podržavate! ❤️

Thanks in advance for supporting me! ❤️

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