Život je maskenbal.🧙👏🎭 Life is a Masquerade 🧙👏🎭

in BANAT2 years ago

Jutro. Razbudjujemo se. Kiša uporno pada treći dan ali moja ćerka nije zaboravila šta je danas.
Groždjebalski maskenbal! 🎭🤹

  • mama, moramo da požurimo!
    Ok. Gde ti je šešir?
  • evo ga!
  • gde su kese za djubre?
  • evo su!
  • donesi mi šminku za lice.
  • evo!
  • daj metlu.
  • evo!
    Kod nas je prespavala i drugarica moje ćerke. Htela je i ona da učestvuje na maskenbalu ali nije imao ko da je vodi. Ok, koncentracija. Doručak s nogu, šminkam ih, oblačim, kombinujem, sudaramo se.
  • evo ti metla.
  • ma ti nosiš metlu, ja loptice.
  • digni glavu. Žmuri da ti stavim šljokice, provuci ruku ovde, ti obuci patike, dodji da ti vežem kikice. . .
    Ok! Gotove smo. Spremne?

Morning. We are waking up. It has been raining steadily for the third day, but my daughter has not forgotten what today is.
Grape masquerade ball! 🎭🤹

  • Mom, we have to hurry!
    OK. Where's your hat?
  • here it is!
  • where are the garbage bags?
  • here they are!
  • bring me the makeup for my face.
  • here is!
  • give me the broom.
  • here is!
    My daughter's friend also slept with us. She also wanted to participate in the masked ball, but there was no one to guide her. Okay, concentration. Breakfast off the feet, I make them up, dress them, combine them, we collide.
  • here's your broom.
  • you carry the broom, I carry the balls.
  • raise your head. Squint, let me put on your sequins, put your hand in here, put on your sneakers, come and tie your anklets. . .
    OK! We're done. Ready?



Ok, slikale smo se, sad krećemo, požurite! Imamo još 15 minuta!
Maskenbal je trebao da bude u centru grada na velikij bini ali zbog kiše je bilo u pozorištu, mada nigde nije javljeno.
Ok, trčimo do pozorišta!
Uh, stigle smo na vreme.
Prijavljujemo se za učestvovanje.
To je to. Hajde, sednite ovde. Atmosfera je napeta. Puno dece. Pozorište je puno Spajdermena, vila, princeza, klovnova, raketa, morskih sirena, jednoroga, superheroja, policajaca, doktora, učitelja. . .

Ok, we took pictures, now we're leaving, hurry up! We still have 15 minutes!
The masquerade ball was supposed to be in the city center on the big stage, but because of the rain it was in the theater, although it was not announced anywhere.
Ok, let's run to the theater!
Uh, we're on time.
We are applying for participation.
That's it. Come on, sit here. The atmosphere is tense. Lots of kids. The theater is full of Spider-Man, fairies, princesses, clowns, rockets, mermaids, unicorns, superheroes, policemen, doctors, teachers. . .




Nakon uvodne reči i pozdravljanja dece, voditeljka je krenula redom da proziva decu.

  • pod rednim brojem 1. . .
    Pod rednim brojem. . .
    Ok, sad ćete vas dve. Stanite blizu bine. Tapiram kosu moje ćerke, zatežem kikice njenoj drugarici. Dobro, lepe ste.
  • mama, je l mi dobro sve stoji?
  • naravno, ne brini, sve vam je super!

After the opening speech and greeting the children, the leader started calling the children one by one.

  • under serial number 1. .
    Under serial number. . .
    Ok, now you two will. Stand near the stage. I stroke my daughter's hair, tighten her friend's ankles. Good, you are beautiful.
  • Mom, does everything fit me well?
  • of course, don't worry, everything is great!


Voditeljka proziva vešticu pod rednim brojem 109.

  • hajde ljubavi, kreni! To si ti!

The presenter calls out the witch under serial number 109.

  • come on love, go! That's you!








  • bravo! Bila si odlična! 👏
    Sačekaćemo i tvoju drugaricu, pa ćemo sesti i sačekati da žiri odluči koga će nagraditi.
  • važi.
    Sedimo, čekamo. Mnogi roditelji su odveli decu koja su mala, nestrpljiva. Najmladji učesnik ima samo 4 meseca. On je odavno otišao, spavalo mu se. 😆
    Nestrpljivost raste. Grickamo nokte. Moja ćerka i njena drugarica odlaze na binu. Igraju se sa drugom decom dok ne objave nagradjene. Ja strpljivo čekam na sedištu.
  • well done! You were great! 👏
    We will also wait for your friend, then we will sit down and wait for the jury to decide who will be awarded.
  • valid.
    We sit, we wait. Many parents have taken their children who are small, impatient. The youngest participant is only 4 months old. He left a long time ago, he was sleepy. 😆
    Impatience works. We bite our nails. My daughter and her friend go on stage. They play with other children until they announce the winners. I am patiently waiting in the seat.




Sa bine žiri javlja da sednemo i čujemo ko je dobio nagradu. Deca vrište od radosti. Ipak ostaju na bini. Sede zajedno i čekaju. Svi su se pretvorili u uvo, mogla se čuti muva. 😆 Bilo je više nagradjenih kategorija. Najmodernija maska. Najlepša. Najmaštovitija.. .
Prolaze minuti, izlaze nagradjena deca.

  • mama, ne mogu više da tapšem, idemo ku. . .
  • pod rednim brojem 109, nagrada za najmaštovitiju masku.
    Razvukla sam osmeh od uveta do uveta.
  • hej, pa to si ti!
    Vrištimo od sreće. Dobile smo nagradu! Jee!

From the stage, the jury tells us to sit down and hear who won the award. Children scream with joy. However, they remain on stage. They sit together and wait. Everyone turned into an ear, you could hear a fly. 😆 There were several awarded categories. The most modern mask. The most beautiful. The most imaginative... .
Minutes pass, the awarded children come out.

  • Mom, I can't clap anymore, let's go home. . .
  • pid serial number 109, prize for the most imaginative mask.
    I stretched my smile from one line to another.
  • hey, it's you!
    We scream with happiness. We got a prize! Yay!



Sve se polako stišava, polako se oblačimo i krećemo kući. Pomalo umorne ali zadovoljne, stižemo kući.- hajde da vidimo šta sam dobila?

  • hajde.
    Slatkiši, vaučeri za strane jezike, sveske, tempere, lopta, slušalice.
    Pa divno! Ćerka je prezadovoljna.

Everything is slowly quieting down, we are slowly getting dressed and heading home. A little tired but satisfied, we arrive home. - let's see what I got?

  • come on.
    Sweets, vouchers for foreign languages, notebooks, tempera, ball, headphones.
    So wonderful! The daughter is very satisfied.

  • je l mogu da uzmem kockicu čokolade?

  • ne mama, to je moja nagrada, ja sam trčala na metli!

  • ok, mama je ionako na dijeti. 😆
    Ljubi mama svoju vešticu. 🧙❤️

  • can I have a chocolate bar?
  • no mom, that's my reward, I ran on a broomstick!
  • ok, mom is on a diet anyway. 😆
    Mom loves her witch. 🧙❤️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Pa čestitam 👏👏👏👏bravo za kostim
Zasluženo 👌
Opet si pokazala kako se to radi 😉

Hvala draga @prudens …🍇🌹

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