I Love PeakD - A Web Extension for those who LOVE PeakD

in About PeakD4 years ago

Do you absolutely LOVE the PeakD.com interface for HIVE?

Well I have created an extension for you!

What does it do?

"I Love PeakD" is a web extension for both Chrome/Brave and Firefox that will redirect any Hive.blog URL's to PeakD.com

Why Though?

Other people like to use the platforms that suits them (which is fine) so when they share a link, it will likely be from the site they prefer. With "I Love PeakD" installed, you won't have to worry about changing URL's or interfacing with a website you don't like to use.

But what is PeakD?

PeakD.com launched in 2020 as a version of SteemPeak.com on the HIVE blockchain centered on integrating Hive and many other blockchains. The Peak projects began with SteemPeak.com in early 2018. The story is that @asgarth became too impatient with the then 20-seconds limit on comments. As a developer, he dove into Steem to see if he could create his own tool that would queue his comments. Lo and behold, he never stopped implementing new features and soon, a team would form that is the driving force behind the PeakD that you see today.

Our passion for blockchain, decentralization and our photography connection brought us together and made us a great team.

Since the beginning we have strived for an INTUITIVE site, one that we could invite friends to and they wouldn't be confused. We also wanted a powerful site with all the tools we ever wanted in one place.


So how do I install?

Chrome/Brave - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nnjpaiehjlcdpajkbajkkdnepdafiiaa
Firefox - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/i-love-peakd


Oo, thank you, just what I needed!

Glad to hear it :)

Thank you @anarcist69, for using the CO2 Compensation Coin (COCO) to reduce your CO2 footprint.

YES! I've been missing this plugin, used I love steempeak when steem was still a thing

It's nice to have these comments. Shows my work is loved and it actually helps people.

 4 years ago  

We love seeing developments like this connected to PeakD! Thanks for helping all the PeakD / Hive users.

Is the source code available under an open license?

I'm always worried about the security implications of installing browser extensions. What permissions does the extension require?

Source code is available here: https://github.com/selabie68/i-love-peakd

Cool badges:

Reveal spoiler


I was thinking that someone needs to add the Hive logo to simpleicons so you can create a Hive badge as well.

I gotcha https://github.com/simple-icons/simple-icons/issues/2998

Also I actually used a base64 encoded image (Allowed multiple colors on icons)

Temporary option until they add to SimpleIcons


20200428 21_56_11Window.png


Replace [USERNAME] with yours for link to your profile.

[![Donate HIVE](https://img.shields.io/badge/Donate-HIVE-E31337.svg?logo=&longCache=true&style=for-the-badge)](https://peakd.com/@[USERNAME])

Didn't realize you could base64 encode an image and add it to the shields.io URL. Super cool!

Thanks for opening the simple icons issue.

Super cool!