When did the first microorganisms appear?🧠🧫 / Cuando aparecieron los primeros microorganismos?👨‍🔬

in STEMGeeks2 years ago
While I was walking in the park I noticed that some kind of "white slime" was appearing in a birdbath and I don't know why but my Biologist's instinct screamed "bacteriasss", I went back home to take a small test tube and collected a sample! After spending some time under the microscope, I came up with the idea of creating a post on this great topic "the age of microorganisms" by the way, did you know that they already inhabited the earth before us?🌏🧠🧫

Mientras caminaba en el parque note que a un bebedero de aves le estaba apareciendo algun tipo de "baba blanca" y no se porque pero mi instinto de Biologo gritaba "bacteriassss", me devolvi a mi casa a tomar un pequeño tubo de ensayo y recolecte una muestra! luego de pasar algun tiempo en el microscopio se me ocurrio la idea de crear un post sobre este gran topico: "la edad de los microorganismos" por cierto sabias que ya habitaban la tierra primero que nosotros?📚👨‍💻👨‍🏫


Evolution machines🌏👨‍💻/ Maquinas de evolucion🧠🔬

Microorganisms are like micromachines, they are exceptional and despite being very small and simple they present a very complex system! but for microorganisms to acquire a multiprotein complex they had to adapt and evolve for millions of years, scientists believe that the first microorganisms appeared more than 3500 million years ago, and do you know how long we have inhabited the earth? 300,000 years!!! For many years it was thought that the first so-called "primitive" bacteria that appeared on our planet were supposed to be very basic, but various investigations showed that they were just as complex as modern bacteria!🧫🧠👨‍🏫
Los microorganismos son como micromaquinas, son excepcionales y apesar de ser muy pequeños y simples presentan un sistema muy complejo! pero para que los microorganismos pudieran adquirir un complejo multiproteico debieron ir adaptandose y evolucionando por millones de años, los cientificos creen que los primeros microorganismos aparecieron hace mas de 3500 millones de años, y sabes hace cuanto nosotros habitamos la tierra? 300,000 años!!! por muchos años se penso que las primeras bacterias llamadas "primitivas" que aparecieron en nuestro planeta se suponia que eran muy basicas pero diversas investigaciones demostraron que eran igual de complejas que las bacterias modernas! 🔬📚📚





The earth on average was formed more than 4500 million years ago, but at that point it could not be habitable for any microorganism, therefore scientists believe that in its beginning that is about "500 million years" there was no life at all! the oldest bacteria found in the form of fossils date back 3.9 billion years, basically the calculations tell us that 600 million years later life made its way on earth! and what a crazy thing right? because in just days life appears in a small drop of water? what used to take millions of years now takes hours, or days!🧠🧫
La tierra en promedio se formo hace mas de 4500 millones de años, pero en ese punto no podia ser habitable para ningun microorganismo, por tanto los cientificos creen que en su unicio osea unos "500 millones de años" no habia vida alguna! las bacterias mas antiguas encontradas en forma de fosiles remontan los 3900 millones de años, basicamente los calculos nos dicen que 600 millones de años despues fue que la vida se abrio paso en la tierra! y que cosa tan loca cierto? porque en tan solo dias la vida aparece en una pequeña gota de agua? lo que antes necesitaba millones de años ahora requiere horas, o dias! 👨‍💻👨‍🏫🌏


The first microorganisms colonized the deep waters, they are known as "hydrotherms" this was thanks to a discovery in Canada where the "most archaic" rock ever found was analyzed, scientists were able to find remains of cellular organelles very similar to that of the bacteria that inhabit these seabeds! the chemical product is summarized in: "iron oxide and carbotanes" which are synonyms of: "life"😳🔬👨‍🔬
Los primeros microorganismos colonizaron las aguas profundas, se les conoce como "hidrotermas" esto fue gracias a un descubrimiento en Canada donde se analizo la roca "mas arcaica" jamas encontrada, los cientificos pudieron encontrar en la roca restos de organelos celulares muy similares al de las bacterias que habitan estos lechos marinos! el producto quimico se resume en: "oxido de hierro y carbotanos" que son sinonimos de: "vida" 👨‍🏫👨‍💻🧫










Astrobiologists believe that in this solar system that is located only 40 light years from our earth there can be life in a "primitive" form, that is, microorganisms, it is simply a theory because there are 3 planets here with conditions very similar to the earth and it could in this moment form very simple life! many scientists believe that life forms could also reach our planet by means of "meteorites"📚🧫🌏🌏🪐🌌
Los astrobiologos creen que en este sistema solar que esta ubicado a tan solo "40 años luz" de nuestra tierra puede existir vida en forma "primitiva" osea microorganismos, es simplemente una teoria porque aqui hay "3 planetas" con condiciones muy similares a la tierra y podria en este momento formarse vida muy simple! muchos cientificos creen que las formas de vida tambien pudieron llegar a nuestro planeta por medio de "meteoritos"💥💥💥


my observation🌏👨‍💻/ mi observacion🧠🔬




Continuing with the water sample, notice that there are thousands or millions of microorganisms that move throughout the drop of water, there are some very small ones that are bacteria with at least a few microns in size! then we see some larger ones that are flagellated, due to their size and how difficult they are to identify them, I resorted to helping me with my microbiologist colleagues! and we came to the conclusion that it could be some species of Entosiphon🤯🤯👨‍🏫
Continuando con la muestra de agua, observe que hay miles o millones de microorganismos que se mueven por toda la gota de agua, hay algunos muy pequeños que son bacterias con almenos pocas micras de tamaño! luego vemos unos mas grandes que son flagelados, debido al tamaño y lo dificil que son identificarlos recurri a ayudarme con mis colegas microbiologos! y llegamos a la conclusion que podrian ser algunas especies de Entosiphon😳😳



It was not easy at all and we can still make a mistake in the identification due to the quality of the photo and because the flagellates in themselves are a group that is quite difficult to identify, but I had my suspicions and based on what my professional friends say, then I am going to choose to choose the species: Entosiphon these animals are characteristic of stagnant waters and feed through a very complex tube, in this photo we can see food remains!🔬🧠👨‍💻
no fue nada facil y aun podemos errar en la identificacion debido a la calidad de la foto y porque los flagelados de por si son un grupo bastante dificil de identificar, pero tenia mis sospechas y en base a lo que comentan mis amigos profesionales entonces voy a optar por escoger la especie: Entosiphon estos animales son caracteristicos de aguas estancadas y se alimentan por medio de un tubo muy complejo, en esta foto podemos ver restos de comida!🤯💥💥📚👨‍🏫👨‍🎓








Here we can distinguish the wall of these beautiful microorganisms since a reagent was used to dye them, as you can see the compound manages to pass through the cell wall and despite killing the microorganism we can see in better detail since it is not translucent but blue !💙💙💙
Aqui podemos distinguir la pared de estos hermosos microorganismo ya que e utilizado un reactivo para teñirlos, como puedes ver el compuesto logra pasar por la pared de la celula y apesar que mata al microorganismo podemos ver con mejor detalle ya que no es traslucido si no azul!🤔📚👨‍💻


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bibliographic resources:
Atlas-de-los-microorganismos-de-agua-dulce-pdf.pdf BOOK


Due to the scientific nature of the post, it was made based on the scientific description of the bibliographic sources! employing the use of: "" for direct quotes!


Great post my friend. It feels great reading such post in thr community. Microorganisms are found everywhere and most of them are vital as thry perform many functions inside our human body. First ever microorganism that appered were single celled i.e amoeba

Studying the World of microorganisms is like studing the space. These are in abundance and are found in each and every part of the world but our naked eyes cannot see them . How suprising and satisfying it will be if we could see microorganisms with our naked eye without using a microscope. Just a thought of imagination. Really Appreciate your post buddy.

Wow thanks for sharing this I appreciate every part of it

Tienes un laboratorio increíble en casa. Nos ha mostrado microorganismos increíblemente pequeños con la ayuda del microscopio.

Excelente artículo sobre los microbios.

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