Día 10: Family - Familia. / 21 days Challenge photo ↳ @enyenidavid 『ESP / ENG』



¡Hola Hiver's! Espero que todos / as estén bien y se mantengan saludables, seguimos con "21 days challenge photo", el tema de hoy sería: Familia. Éste challenge es gracias a @nathyortiz
Hello Hiver's! I hope everyone is well and stays healthy, we continue with "21 days challenge photo", today's topic would be: Family . This challenge is thanks to @nathyortiz


¿Suena muy monótono decir que mi familia es mi motor? Porque aunque así pueda sonar es la pura realidad, mi familia es quien me impulsa a ser mejor, mi núcleo de paz, mi zona de paz y confort.

Does it sound very monotonous to say that my family is my engine? Because although it may sound like that, it is pure reality, my family is the one who drives me to be better, my nucleus of peace, my zone of peace and comfort.

No muchos opinan lo mismo de sus familias porque cada entorno es un mundo y sin embargo yo soy muy afortunada de tener la mía.

Not many think the same about their families because each environment is different and yet I am very fortunate to have mine.



