Día 9 - ¿Te ha arrestado la policía?

in Blogging Challenge3 years ago (edited)


Have you been arrested by the police?

This question is bringing out my darkest memories, the truth is that yes and not just once but several times I have even so far the 3 times that I have been arrested is because I spent it with my cousins drinking and the police caught us red-handed.

The moment I remember the most was one day when we got together to drink and it was forbidden but we didn't care and we got together, it was getting late and since everyone had to work we were about to leave when at that moment the police arrived and told us that we were being detained for drinking alcohol in quarantine time.

The truth is that I was very scared because there were many rumors of what happened when the police took you in pandemic time, well anyway we had no choice but to get in the patrol car and go with them. When we arrived at the police station they told us that we were not detained but that we had to listen to a class about covid 19 and that class lasted 5 hours, however after that class they gathered all of us who were drinking and with a hose they poured water with chlorine to disinfect us.

It was something crazy although we still had a lot of fun with all that and I tell you that now every time I remember the moment it seems funny even after they bathed us with water and chlorine they informed us that we were free and we could leave, the worst thing is that we had to walk more than 2 hours to return to our homes.

After all that I tell you that I have not been drinking alcohol anymore, even now I go to bed early and I avoid walking in the street. Let's say that now I'm behaving a little better. jajajajaja

¿Te ha arrestado la policía?

Esta pregunta esta sacando mis más oscuro recuerdos, la verdad es que si y no una sola vez si no varias veces he incluso hasta los momentos las 3 veces que me han detenido es porque me la pasaba con mis primos tomando y nos agarraba la policías infraganti.

El momentos que mas recuerdo fue un día ya empezando nos reunimos a tomar y eso estaba prohibido igual no nos importo y nos reunimos, ya se nos estaba haciendo tarde y como cada uno tenia que trabajar estábamos a punto de retirarnos cuando en ese momento nos llega la policía y nos dice que estábamos detenidos por ingerir alcohol en tiempo de cuarentena.

La verdad me asuste muchísimos porque eran muchos los rumores de lo que sucedía cuando la policía te llevaba en tiempo de pandemia, bueno igualmente no nos quedo de otra que montarnos en la patrulla he irnos con ellos. Al llegar al comando de policia nos dice que no estamos detenidos pero que de multa debemos escuchar una clase sobre el covid 19 y esa clase duro 5 horas no obstante luego de esa clase nos reunieron a todos lo que estabas tomando y con una mangue no echaron agua con cloro para desinfectarnos.

Fue algo loco aunque igual nos divertimos mucho con todo eso y les digo que ahora cada vez que recuerdo el momento me parece gracioso incluso luego de que nos bañaran con agua y cloro nos informaron que ya estábamos libre y nos podíamos retirar, lo peor es que teníamos que caminar más de 2 horas para poder regresar a nuestras casas.

Luego de todo eso les digo que no he tomando más alcohol incluso ahora hasta me acuesto temprano y evito andar en la calle. Digamos que ahora me estoy portando un poco mejor. jajajajaja

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Te agarraron infraganti @maykitt55 ... eso te pasa por estar violentando las normas ... jajajajaja

Gracias por la invitación ...