1st edition - Day 14. Thoughts on education



Let think about a tree , tree will stop growing if it stop consume water , air and nutrition or food that needed to grow up. This principal is also same to human being . Human will stop growing if they stop learning. Mind is on of growing human part , it ll become ineffective and eventual die , if it didnt been feed by education or new life info. But learning thing being drive to gain a dream which dream has become a part of growing. In matter of fact , some people was stop growing after they realize that their dream will never come true. That's why every human need a fuel to renew the encouragement to reach their dream every single days.

Like i say before , a tree need water , air and food to grow up. Human also need education , motivational and daily encouragement to grow up. But , we can see that a lot of education has been program by our government to grow the tree according their needed. This means the growth of the has been shape and didnt growing in their full potential. It was a program so everyone will listen to them by controlling the need of those human. This has been done not only in my country but most the country all around the world. Some of them realize what was happen buy not many dare to question or fight what is right for them because they being trap in their rat race.

Education is very important. That's is the only thing that can change human future . But formal education was to design human to become part of the system. It is very important to learn about non formal education as part of those education. The only thing that can break us from the system is non formal education. The is a lot of non formal education like surviving education , music , and hundred of list . Some of those non formal education will become the light of passion in the future.


Believe it or not , everyday is a learning process. There is always new thing to discover and the knowledge is waiting us to be discover , as long we want.


Lastly , i believe that learning is a process not a destination. We are the student of life. That is the real meaning of education.