PS5: Another hilarious page from the drippiest comics around; dripcomics

in Comedy Open Mic6 months ago

Wasssup world!! I think it's another amazing day to welcome you to 📣📢📣; Dripcomics. Yep, I'm out here once again with another dripping-hot comic page. I know you've most probably been wondering why the 17 day break, well my phone got stolen so I had to use my brother's to post this episode.

Just like the other comics this one was made with flipaclip and was also done by me @driplord himself and for the sake of those who'd be doubting, I'd be posting my progress shots. So here it goes;

So that's all for today from dripcomics but you can find more amazing comics like hanging on my blog and there'd be more as I'd be posting as frequently as possible this week to make up for my absence. Till next time friends remember to keep an eye out for more amazing and dripfilled comics from driplord himself. And also keep dripping ✌️.


That was funny! I really love the old newspaper comic style of using just a few frames, as well as the stick figure drawings with just enough detail.

It would be funny to see him next in his new bed... dreaming up a revenge plot!