Love makes the world go round not gravity


Everybody talks about love. You realize that's one thing we all have in common, whether you're a terrorist trying to bomb a church or you're a pastor trying to stop the terrorist, we all believe in love.

We all have what we love, food, our jobs, our family and if you're like me, money. There's a lot of love going round it's very easy to become a fool for it. Relationships are filled with a bunch of people who claim to be blind.

I once was a fool for love. I did some crazy things because I was in love, never again. She broke up with me and ever since that day, I vowed to disrupt any couple I see. Think of me as Batman but with parents.

Maybe I just wasn't ready for love at that time, besides I was only 6 years old, why let something that small define who I am?

The best part about love is it knows no bounds, we can love anything these days. Some people even love themselves, they call it "selflove", others call it narcissistism, I call it masturbation. We can love food too or at least love who cooks them but like always, society wants to limit everything, you can't love a minor, you can go to jail for that.

People make a fuss about everything these days and there's always someone watching you if you ever make a mistake so they can either call the cops or tell you what a horrible person you are. For me, that person would be my neighbor. He's always watching to see me slip. I need to get that dude a girlfriend, or boyfriend and even a dog, it's 2022.

They tell you love makes the world go round and the world revolves around love. They clearly missed geography class because I was taught the sun makes the world go round.

Don't mind me, I love love or at least the idea of it. You can't seem to love freely anymore. For example, I love dark humor but we have a lot of people out there who would think I'm a psycho just because I love orphan jokes and disabled jokes. Okay maybe I'm a little bit psychopathic but I don't need to be judged, if I wanted to be judged, I would commit manslaughter and be judged in a Court.

Come to think of it, why do people make a big deal about manslaughter? What's wrong with men laughing? I see no problem there.

Every religion is based off love, our love for God and everything that comes it, including the 72 virgins waiting for me when I die. I'm very excited, it makes dying singing to look forward too not burning in hell for all eternity.

When I do love another human being, I'm going to spoil her, take her on cruises, you know, a little row-mance. Show her what it feels like to be loved by hitting her on the head with a club and dragging her home, ancestor style.

With everything I've said, I still think Love is beautiful until she takes off her makeup.

Do not forget, love is evol, and never fall in love with a chef, he'll dessert you.


Come to think of it, why do people make a big deal about manslaughter? What's wrong with men laughing? I see no problem there.

The world is against man's happiness after all 'who runs the world'? Girls!

Some people even love themselves, they call it "selflove", others call it narcissistism, I call it masturbation

So much for me being the messed up one. Do they allow phones and gadgets at therapy? Cos I don't see why you should still be posting

One of the best comedy posts I've seen in a while. The jokes kept sneaking up on me!

Come to think of it, why do people make a big deal about manslaughter? What's wrong with men laughing? I see no problem there.

This man laughed so hard at that, I almost choked on my morning coffee. I could have died! Manslaughter, indeed!

Holy wow, dude! This post is a comedy masterpiece!

When I do love another human being, I'm going to spoil her, take her on cruises, you know, a little row-mance. Show her what it feels like to be loved by hitting her on the head with a club and dragging her home, ancestor style.

With due respect sir can you please come again??😆😆😆😆😆 This is mad love o. I pray it doesn't lead anyone to hell😆😆.

Anyways everyone has once been... Not actually a fool but they are things we do for love that sounds and looks foolish but i dont always see it that way i think we should rather call it a blind act 😆

Do love really exist ☺️

Someone take away this guy's phone😂😂😂😂

Your jokes kept on creeping in on me, how do you come up with ty these?