My Biggest Online Pet Peeve

in Comedy Open Mic2 years ago

My biggest online pet peeve has to do with internet forums and sites like Reddit. Sometimes when a person asks a question, everyone starts attacking them instead of trying to answer the question and be helpful.

Do you have a question about paying taxes on your crypto? Try posting the question in an online forum.

All too often you’ll get responses similar to the ones below. (I have written them in my own words based on past experience and tried to write them in an over the top fashion for entertainment purposes)

“What’s the point of crypto if you’re going to pay taxes on it. Might as well stick to traditional investments and the banking system”

The next response will be “It’s not illegal to not pay taxes”

After that someone will say “I would never go to the work of calculating and being responsible for how much I owe in taxes. I’ll just wait for the government to send me a statement of how much I owe them. Once I get the statement I will be more than willing to pay it”

Finally, someone will respond with “Don’t worry, you’ll never get caught. That’s the beauty of the blockchain”

Do people not realize that these answers are not helpful. If someone has decided that they want to pay their taxes, why not just try to help them. And if you do not know of a helpful answer you do not have to say anything at all. Sheeeeesh

Next example:

Don’t even think about going onto a bodybuilding forum and asking if anyone knows of any pre-workout drinks that do not contain artificial sweeteners.

The first answer will be, “Don’t worry artificial sweeteners aren’t going to be what kills you”

The next response to your question will be, “You’re a big fat pu$$y”

Finally, someone will try to outsmart you, “What has made you believe that artificial sweeteners are bad. I expect you to cite specific evidence and studies”

Can’t the people on these forums respect people’s choices without judging them.

Well I hope you found this little piece to be humorous or at least amusing.

All images from Pixabay


Yep, I know exactly what you're talking about! Quora is particularly bad about this. Someone will ask a health-related question and get a response like, "Go see a doctor, you dummy!" Of course, advice from strangers on the internet isn't a substitute for actually seeing a doctor, but typically when people pose these questions, they have already exhausted their resources -- perhaps they've already seen multiple doctors and failed to receive a satisfactory answer (certainly wouldn't be the first time that happened) -- and are looking for someone to point them in the right direction, not to give them a diagnosis. They understand at the end of the day, it is up to them to use discernment when evaluating this information. Point is, if you don't have anything helpful to say, don't say anything at all!

Sometimes I think people are hesitant to give health or medical related advice because they are afraid of being liable. So they just say go see your doctor.

Honestly I would trust medical advice from strangers on the internet over my own doctors advice. Too many doctors out there are stubborn and old world.

Totally! My mom was seeing a doctor to get treated for her pneumonia. She was getting better when they did a follow-up test and said she had TB. Then they were like, "Oops, you don't have TP after all, you have this other thing instead." Then the same thing happened. Finally their "solution" was to put her on antibiotics for one year! Even my parents, who are 100% believers in mainstream medicine, thought this was ridiculous. Not surprisingly, she is not doing great after nearly two months of this regimen, when she had actually been on her road to recovery before. Luckily, they are at least getting a second opinion now.

 2 years ago  

Hey wassup man? Good thing Peeve was in the title.

I'm a big fan of US treasury. I not only pay my taxes months in advance, I overpay and insist they keep the change.

Wow, you must celebrate jury duty as well.

 2 years ago  

Monthly. Absolutely. Even when I don't get picked I wait outside the court room in case they change their mind.

I relate to this so much. Sometimes it just turns into a big fight between the people as each person tries to outsmart the other with their "witty" answers. Sometimes you could have 500 comments and none of them include the answer.

Great and hilarious observational comedy post. Thank you for your entry in the Comedy Open Mic Contest.

Glad you enjoyed it.

The bigger the internet media site, the larger the amount of trolls one will end up interacted with.