Hurry! Hurry! ¡Hurry up! increase your APY% like a champ!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ¿IYKYK? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Today we are introducing Trustrocket Coin. It's a memecoin that you can trust as it rockets its way to space in its own trusty rocket ??. Did we mention that our decentralized 3.0 trustrocket blockchain onchain crosschain is safe and trustworthy and will allow you to get away from evil banks that are centralized and that it will have airdrops and NFTs!? Don't fomo, buy the dip, ignore FUD and hodl to the moon with trustrocket, the stablecoin that will 10x 100x 1000x to the moon in a rocket of trust because its a trustyrocket! Its also Elon Musks favorite coin that he trusts and he plans to fund the first human rocket voyage to mars with it." ¡Just check here below Elon Musk promoting it himself!

To the moon ¡We Go!

Naked Call

Oh yeah! of course. ¡WTF! forget about AVAX, AXS, BUSD, CAKE, USDC, USDT, USN, UST, USDD or even HBD. <--To name just a few of them more or less alphabetically.

Just like from now on, you can also forget about xPOLYCUB, pHBD, bHBD, PUNKs, NFTs and all that weird stuff that no one understand anyway. C'mon! you just have to invest in Trustrocket Coin and say goodbye instantly to all the centralized evil banks of the world as well as to every fancy speculator who wants to have a nosweat freeride with your hard earned money without you even knowing.

Yeah, yeah! and you can do it right now from May the 1th (International Worker's Day) so you can see yourself taking off naked holding hands with Elon Musk straight to the moon in a heartbeat. This is like shooting the floor. ¡There is no way to fail!

Welcome to decentralized ✅️ web 3.0 ✅️

There is no need to thank us for anything. We are here on COM only for your maximum well-being and provide you a ton of smiles and laughs. And we are always giving you excellent financial news that positively impacts your state of mind, sense of opportunity and permanently fuel you with an astonishing sense of humor that does not exist in any other blockchain. It will always be our duty for years to come.

However, as always the experts and finance gurus recommend in these occasions and spaces of high hopes and expectations. First ¡DYOR! always DYOR that we don't want Bagholders nor naive crybabies in the cryptosphere.

And that's why we also have the imperative and unavoidable duty to warn you that: "Everything that goes up also tends to go down" like everything that happens on this planet, the galaxy and the entire universe. We are subjected to the ¡Law of Gravity!

¡It's Not Financial Advice!


And having said all the above and envisaging that you have clicked on everything that has been clickable in this post and prodigious announcement & financial advertisement to try to enrich you and your intellect beyond your wildest dreams.

Now we will say goodbye requesting from you one last «click» on the image below. In such a way that you can receive with total precision the specific instructions and correct steps on how to proceed before undressing and taking Elon Musk by the hand for that glorious takeoff to Mars or the Moon. ¡Hodl his hands tight folks! };)

Hopes vs Reality

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



Selling all my clothes to buy Trustrocket Coin. Truckrocket Coin is all the clothes I need.

If you're buying then I'm buying.😎