What is that Funny thing men always do to their wives

in Comedy Open Mic2 years ago

It's not always easy to tell what is funny and what is not. We have all seen things that have made us laugh, but we didn't know why. It can be hard to understand the jokes of others and even harder to make them on our own. At times some people might be cracking jokes and funny statement and which you might not at first know and one might have even take it for offence. Well it happens like that.

I remember back then in school, some of my classmates will be cracking jokes but I might not at first got it that it was a joke not untill it seems to be heated up I now realise it was actually a joke to get people laugh. Have you ever have this feeling whereby you are used as a victim to make people laugh probably you are been make jest of just to make people laugh, it can really be annoying

The thing with men is that they always seem to do something funny to their wives, and it's usually not intentional. They might say something rude or insensitive, or they might just be clumsy for no reason at all. No matter what it is, the wife will always find it hilarious because she knows her husband loves her unconditionally and she also knows that he has no idea why she's laughing so hard. Like they always say, women love men who can make them laugh I mean really laugh, yea at this point men do so. If you didn't have aside of funny moments with your wife, you better do so now because you might be making your wife to miss out on some of the other side of you she love


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Men seem to find it funny to do a certain thing that women always get mad about. This is something that men do to their wives and their families. They laugh at them, compare them, and make fun of them. The best thing about this is that it can be done anywhere and anytime. In the home, in the office, on a date, in a restaurant or even when they are out shopping together. The funny thing they do is something that their wives would never expect. It's often something that they have been doing for years without them knowing about it. Women I noticed, their funny side is always been quickly triggered on. Yea, you will see women been easily laughing on some stuff ealrier than men. Because they tend to bbe triggers that aspect of their laugh more faster than men. So husband used this opportunity to make their wive laugh often in some little things or action

We all have that one thing that we always do to our wives, husbands and family members. We always laugh at their expense. It is just a part of life. What is funnier than seeing someone who you love get embarrassed or make a mistake? It can really be painful at first though but as love prevail, one laugh over it

They might be sweet and thoughtful or they may be a little bit mean. No matter what they do, it is always funny and something that the whole family can enjoy. Men have a tendency to embarrass their wives in public and this is something that everyone can enjoy. They might start a fight with their wife or they might try to make her laugh by comparing her to other women in the family. There is never one way of doing things when it comes to men's antics and it is always hilarious when they are trying to get a reaction out of their wives. Men might have a strict face outside in the public but deep down at home, they laugh easily with their wife

A man is always doing something to his wife. He is either kissing her, hugging her, or just being in the same room as her. Whatever he does, she thinks he's being funny and tries to laugh it off. The man thinks that his wife is just being too sensitive and doesn't understand what he's doing. He doesn't realize that she's laughing at him because she knows that he'll do anything for a laugh.


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There are a lot of funny things men like to do to their wives. One of the most common is when they come home from work, they greet their wives at the door and then make it a point to tell her about every terrible thing that happened at work. The wife usually has no idea what he's talking about and he can't contain his laughter. The man usually laughs uncontrollably while talking with his wife, even though she doesn't really know what he's laughing about. This is one of those things husbands do that wives often find hilarious, but don't understand why. Many people compare it to how being in love feels like - when you laugh uncontrollably and can't stop smiling when you're together. In this case they're laughing together because both love each other so much and

The survey found that husbands can be as much of a nuisance to their wives as their children. One of the things they do is, they compare her with other married women and comment on what his wife is lacking in comparison.

Men are always looking for new ways to impress their wives. They do all sorts of things to show them how much they love them. And in some cases, they might do things that are out of the ordinary too.

  1. Why is your back so sweaty? I just did a workout at the gym.

  2. Can you help me with something in the kitchen? I have no idea what's even up there!

  3. Your phone is ringing, but it's not your mom's ringtone! Who could it be?


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In many cultures, there are popular jokes about the naughty things husbands do to their wives. In Bangladesh, for instance, a common joke is that husbands do something called "makar kaji." The word "makar" has the same meaning as our English word "joker." The word "kaji" in Bengali means "mischief," so it can be translated as a very funny thing husbands always do to their wives. This is the way men often deal with women in their lives. In order to help them get out of this bad habit, let's learn some more about what they are trying to do. Men who always say these things may be feeling insecure that they have not done enough for their wives and that they aren't satisfying them sexuaully


Sure, women love men who make them laugh, but sometimes those "jokes" aren't funny and can offend us to the point of causing an argument out of nowhere (haha)