in Comedy Open Miclast year (edited)


Jeff bezos, Kevin Hart, Tom Holland, Vladimir Putin...

What do these people I just listed have in common?

Well, they are all rich, successful and accomplished in their various fields.

And they are also short.

Now before we go into answering the big question,
Let us answer a smaller question;

What exactly does "short" mean?

Now this can be a very objective or subjective question depending on the person answering it.

Objectively, we'd use science and statistical to figure out who is short.
Statistics tell us that the average height of men in the world is 5 feet and 7 inches (5'7) and the average height of women in the world is 5 feet and 3 inches (5'3),
so a short person would be anyone that falls below these world averages.
Easy peasy.
No stress to figure out anything.

Now subjective analysis is where the trouble comes in.
You see, people are dumb.
And when it comes to height, women tend to be the dumbest (no offense).

Because why would a 5 feet and ZERO INCHES tall woman be calling a guy that's 5'11 short?!

Now if you're a guy, I'm sure you've seen the memes about how women think a 6' guy is waaaay taller than a 5'11 guy.

Believe me when I say, these memes are true.
A lot of these women actually think this way.
Once you tell them you're 6 feet and above, that's when they'll consider you tall.

If there's even a whisper of anything 5 feet, you're like Tyrion Lannister to them.

If you like, be 5 feet and 11.999 inches,
as long as you aren't 6 feet, forget about it.

So you can see that the subjective system of viewing height is flawed.

Obviously not all women think this way, but a surprising majority of them do and this has led to some major self esteem problems in guys.

And that leads me to the main question of this article...


Before we answer this, let us take a look at the major reason why height MIGHT matter or why it has been SAID to matter



Why do women think height matters so much?

There are a number of reasons including they are naturally confused but the most prominent reason is;

It's attractive to them because of biology
To be honest, being tall is an attractive attribute and that's just the fact. We can deny it all we want but the taller we are, the more attractive we are.

And that leads us to another question.

Why do we think being tall is attractive?

The answer is simple; biology

You see, back then in them olden days, the bigger and taller the men were, the better their chances of protecting the women, so women generally flocked to the big and tall guys, mostly for protection and survival, love wasn't really a thing then. Who had time for love when you were busy being chased by a Leopard. So this quest for survival got hardwired into our genes as we evolved and Bam! Women are more drawn towards taller guys.

So next time you get rejected by a girl because you're not 6 feet, don't blame her, blame survival and evolution.

So does height really matter?
The short answer is no, no it does not.

The long answer is;
It doesn't because the factors that would've made height matter are long gone.

You don't need to be tall and strong to be able to fight a bear or a rival clan like before.

We have guns now!

You don't need to be able to run 5 kilometers in 5 minutes, we have skateboards!

So yea, the factors that made women draw close to and therefore become attracted to taller guys are all but redundant now

Now no one is saying it's bad to be tall.
I'm just saying your height doesn't define you.

Just look at the people I mentioned at the beginning of the article.

Tom Holland


Bro is conventionally short but he is one of the most beloved actors in the world.
And Zendaya is his girlfriend!!!

If he was bothered about being short, do you think he would've put in the work to be this great?

Kevin Hart

This is a grown man, yet he looks like a child next to a lot of his co-stars.
People even make fun of him a lot. But this dude is worth half a billion dollars and also one of the most beloved actors in the world.

Is height still mattering??

Jeff Bezos


The former richest man in the world, but don't let the former fool you, guy is still disgustingly rich.

As rich as he is, I'm pretty sure I can beat him up, but can I even touch him before like 200 snipers and 400 bodyguards erase me?

Dude is small, but he's one of the most powerful men in the world.

The mattering of the height is starting to be blurry.

Vladimir Putin


I don't even think I need to say much about this guy.
Even without his armies and power, dude will still destroy me in a fight.
I might be taller, but this guy has a black belt in taekwondo.

Now add his power.

Height mattering, where did you go?
I can't find the height mattering again.

Well, since I can't find it, it's time for me to end the article.

One last question for y'all before I go...

Does height really matter?



Height might not matter but that doesn't mean it's bad or not advantageous.

If you're tall, that's fine.
If you're short, that's fine.

The main information I'm trying to convey is that your height doesn't make you, so if you're struggling with your self esteem, chin up and keep moving, you may not grow taller but you can always keep moving forward.

Or you can just get a gun. No one will dare make fun of your height if you have a gun.

Thank you for reading.

Stay buzzing,



Oh man, I have so much to say about this, I could do another whole post about it! Napoleon complexes, the psychology of success, the science of attraction... it's so much to unwrap!

To keep it brief, I'll just say this, when it comes to height and being attractive to women...

If you're short, it helps to have money. If you're poor, it helps to be tall!

Oh man, I have so much to say about this, I could do another whole post about it! Napoleon complexes, the psychology of success, the science of attraction... it's so much to unwrap!

Honestly man
Getting into it would require nothing less than 10000 words,5 gallons of coffee, and an unbreakable will😤😩

If you're short, it helps to have money. If you're poor, it helps to be tall!

Someone charge this man for assault because he just bashed the nail on the head!

Getting into it would require nothing less than 10000 words,5 gallons of coffee, and an unbreakable will😤😩

I laughed so hard at that, I spit out one of the gallons of coffee!!

Hey, @writermaximus really love the post but many of your pictures aren't copyright free which they need to be in order for them to get rewarded here. You need to lose every picture that is not royalty free.

Oh no not again

I was extra careful this time

I got all my pics from unsplash and Wikipedia

Unless Wikipedia images aren't copyright free?

Wikipedia isn't copyrightfree.

Thank you
I'll edit it right away

Are the other images good though?

I got them from unsplash

 last year  

Just make sure to source where you got it from on unsplash, you're good to go

Thank you once again and I apologise for my seemingly constant mistakes🤲🏼

I appreciate your patience
Both you and @amirtheawesome1 💙

 last year  

I should go get a gun since I'm not too tall... Ooops, I'm a lady 😂 I'll just make sure to let him know that he needs a gun if he isn't tall enough.

don't blame her, blame survival and evolution

Yeah, thanks for bringing justice to this... The ladies appreciate 😂

The mattering of the height is starting to be blurry

Swears! Those points you shared are more than enough to agree that heights don't matter.

I didn't know about height and its connection to protection in those days, we learn everyday indeed 😁

I should go get a gun since I'm not too tall... Ooops, I'm a lady 😂 I'll just make sure to let him know that he needs a gun if he isn't tall enough.

This means you're willing to give short Kings a chance 😩😩🤲🏼
You're one of the good ones

Yeah, thanks for bringing justice to this... The ladies appreciate 😂

It's what I do😎

Swears! Those points you shared are more than enough to agree that heights don't matter.

It doesn't o
At all
And anybody that still thinks it does needs serious education and recommended glasses because they're short sighted🤲🏼

I didn't know about height and its connection to protection in those days, we learn everyday indeed 😁

This is why I do the research no one asks me to do

To educate😌

 last year  

Haha they short sighted indeed!
Thanks for educating us 😁

Oh yeah😅😅
Now am justified!!!

Haha 😂😂😂.... I'm in this section and the truth is that we all know that height is not what we made up is what has already being that way maybe from gene or lineage who knows???.... but I dislike short people and the reason is not being attractive although it has a little dash of it.

My reason is because I love my man taller than me because I would respect that more than someone I am taller than trust me... hehe...not attractiveness but respect!!... so mine is different lmao 😂

Everyone has different preferences.
There's nothing wrong with that

As long as you don't treat short people badly.

Personally I would also prefer someone I'm taller than for my girlfriend (so that I can bully her🌚)

Thank you for reading 🤗