Ithaqa Comic Issue 4 Script 3

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Part of why we haven't started the art on issue 4 yet is because of a few pages like this, pages where our characters have an insane insight into future or alternate events. Not everything we see is prophetic, but there are a few key things I need to finalize in issue 12 so they can line up with the things Harvey witnesses here (and later on in this issue).

If I had wanted to put out a serialized comic quickly, I should NOT have had it deal with time travel and multiverse theory haha

P.S. - I noticed that steemit won't let me post if I'm using a VPN, super annoying, they are really not managing that site well, haha. Glad that Hive is alive and going strong.

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We adapted Issue 2 into a digital play!! Watch it here:

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Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here:

Lucas Gattoni's (The Letterer/Logo Designer) website is here:

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Twitter: @IthaqaComic