Edit. This was actually in February of 1980. This photo is of mom and her church friends. This was a baby shower. This was for mom's first child who was born at the end of June that same year, that is five months later or something like that. Denise Anne is not in this photo. It was a friend who might have later lived in like Portland or something. And maybe mom visited her later on or something, that is the girl with glasses behind her. The girl in dark purple pants, left of mom, was the pastor's wife. This was at somebody's house. There is a dog in the photo.
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Created - 2020-05-19 - Tuesday - 08:00 PM
Published - 2020-05-19 - Tuesday - 09:27 PM
1979 or maybe 1980 - Mom and others at maybe a Baby Shower Thing
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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