Терор • Terror [ENG/UA]

in Team Ukraine2 years ago

Привіт всім.

Вчора у нас в області була чергова трагедія спричинена руками росіян.
Прямо посеред дня ворог прицільно обстріляв центр села (Юнаківська громада), що на прикордонні Сумщини.
Цілих десять пострілів зі ствольної артилерії по мирним людям і їх домівках.
Було пошкоджено багато будинків і також амбулаторія.
Все це жахливо, але будинки хоча б можна якось відновити, на відміну від людей...
В результаті цього теракту загинуло двоє людей, також зазнав поранень чоловік, що їхав на мотициклі по центру села...
Люди просто займалися своїми справами: хтось стояв біля магазину, хтось їхав на велику...

Якого хріна, блін?! Ми маємо справу з чистим злом! І дорога для нього тільки одна - в пекло!

Hi there.
Yesterday in our region there was another tragedy caused by the hands of the Russians.
Right in the middle of the day, the enemy targeted the center of the village (Yunakivska community), which is on the border of Sumy region.
As many as ten shots from barrel artillery on civilians and their homes.
Lot of houses and a dispensary were damaged.
All this is terrible but at least the houses can somehow be restored, unlike people...
As a result of this terrorist attack: two people died, and a man riding a motorcycle in the center of the village was also injured...
People were just going about their business: someone was standing near a store, someone was riding a bicycle...
What the hell?! We are dealing with pure evil! And there is only one way for it - to hell!

Ось такий жах відбувається на кордоні з проклятою росією!
Ці нелюди кожного дня кошмарять селян. Кожен чортів день!

Це вже навіть не тероризм, а якийсь зовсім інший рівень зла. Нова його еволюційна сходинка розвитку. І це, мабуть, єдине у чому вони здатні розвиватися.

Such horror is happening on the border with damned Russia!
These inhumans terrorize the villagers every day. Every damn day!
This is not even terrorism, but some completely different level of evil. Its new evolutionary stage of "development". And this, perhaps, is the only thing in which they are able to develop.

Image source
Image source

❤️ PEACE ❤️


You live there yes? May God bless you 🙏. This is real war. But I must also ask, where is the criticism for the corrupt Ukraine government who’s murdered thousands of own citizens 2014 on?

To simply say “ These inhumans“ about Russia is half a story. Let’s stop the propaganda and admit and discuss truth. I’d love to hear you break this down.

Yes, I live near this place. Thank you for support ✌️

Unfortunately, corruption exists in every country. Less, more, but it is absolutely everywhere. This is human nature. I hope this will change...

I have never been loyal to governments, I have always criticized them. In my opinion, a person in general should not be allowed to high positions in the authorities.
I don't know what's in Putin's head and why it was necessary to attack Ukraine. Perhaps, he wanted to recreate the USSR. This idea cost tens of thousands of lives, perhaps more. What is it all for? No one has the right to deprive a person of life, especially a peaceful person. It's just evil.
Now people are not very worried about corruption against the backdrop of daily shelling. People want to survive and end the war. This is the main thing. And then it will be possible to return to the problem of corruption, which, it seems to me, will become much less after the war.
Russia must stop this bloody war and leave the territory of Ukraine.

I don't watch the news often.

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Коли вже вони повихдихають, кляті рашисти?!((((

Очевидно коли ми їх переб'ємо..

І послав же бог сусідів. Інваліди на всю голову!

Так, відморозки повні..
