[ESP ENG] Sorprendiendo al amigo de mi hija "Larrazabal" con su graduación.

in Motherhood2 years ago


Saludos querida comunidad de #Motherhood, hola mamis y papis emprendedores que día a día aportan contenido a esta hermosa comunidad, espero que se encuentren bien disfrutando de un tiempo de calidad con sus pequeños, les doy la bienvenida nuevamente a mi blog.

Greetings dear #Motherhood community, hello entrepreneurial mommies and daddies who bring content to this beautiful community every day, I hope you are well enjoying quality time with your little ones, I welcome you back to my blog.

Hoy vengo hablarles de Juan Larrazábal más conocido como “Larrazábal” entre las personas de su círculo, es compañero de clases de mi hija Yohanny, él también obtuvo el título de Bachiller pero no pudo asistir a la graduación con todos sus compañeros ya que no contaba con los recursos debido, ya que el paquete de graduación era un poco costoso para sus padres.

Today I am here to talk to you about Juan Larrazábal, better known as "Larrazábal" among the people in his circle, he is a classmate of my daughter Yohanny, he also obtained a Bachelor's degree but was unable to attend graduation with all his classmates. as he did not have the resources due to the fact that the graduation package was a bit expensive for his parents.

Pero el día que un grupo de madres entre las que me incluyo festejamos a los nuevos bachilleres con una piscinada, lo invitamos muy cordialmente a él y a su mamá, ya que él está en el grupo de los "once" como dice mi hija al referirse a su grupo de amigos.

But the day that a group of mothers, including myself, celebrated the new high school graduates with a swimming pool, we cordially invited him and his mother, since he is in the group of "eleven" as my daughter says when referring to her group of friends.


Días atrás habíamos planeado con mi hija, y su mejor amiga Alessia, Elizabeth la mamá Yahir, que es el mejor amigo de mi hija y mi persona hacerle la graduación allí a Larrazábal, Alessia se encargó de realizar el diploma similar al que les dieron a ellos, ya que a ella le gusta mucho el diseño gráfico y les digo que la letra era casi igual, este diploma dice que se le confiere el título de Bachiller de la República y ya que mi hija tenía 12 medallas de la institución incluyendo la de bachiller, decidió regalar una a su compañero para que se le entregara junto con el diploma.

A few days ago we had planned with my daughter, and her best friend Alessia, Elizabeth the mother Yahir, who is my daughter's best friend and myself, to graduate Larrazábal there, Alessia was in charge of making the diploma similar to the one they gave to them since she likes graphic design a lot and I tell them that the letter was almost the same, this diploma says that she acquired the title of Bachelor of the Republic and since my daughter had 12 medals from the institution including that of high school, decided to give one to his partner to deliver it along with the diploma.



Para ese día les pedí a los chicos que llevarán los birretes que lucieron en su último timbre, para que Larrazábal pudiera llevar el de él.

For that day I asked the boys to wear the caps they wore in their last bell, so that Larrazábal could wear his.

Llegó el día mientras las mamás decorabamos iban llegando los chicos y empezaron a ayudarnos para dejar todo lindo para ellos y en especial para su amigo para el cual sería su graduación. Ya estaban todos los presentes, las mamás y los bachilleres y porsupuesto el invitado especial, Larrazábal junto a su mamá.

The day came while the moms were decorating, the boys were arriving and they started helping us to make everything beautiful for them and especially for their friend for whom it would be their graduation. All those present were already there, the mothers and the high school graduates and of course the special guest, Larrazábal with his mother.


Les pedimos a todos que se acercaran dónde estaba la decoración y les pedimos a los chicos que se colocarán los birretes y su medalla de bachiller, los chicos se colocaron en la parte de atrás ya que era para una supuesta fotografia jejeje. Pero en el medio nos encontrabamos Elizabeth y mi persona ya que fuimos elegidas por los chicos para que le hicieramos la entrega del diploma y la medalla a Larrazábal ya que ellos dicen que somos las mamás de todos jejejeje 🤭🤭 debido a que los hemos acogido.

We asked everyone to go to where the decoration was and we asked the boys to put on their caps and their bachelor's medal, the boys stood in the back since it was for a supposed photograph hehehe. But Elizabeth and myself were in the middle, since we were chosen by the boys to deliver the diploma and medal to Larrazábal, since they say that we are everyone's mothers hehehehe 🤭🤭 because we have welcomed them as such.

Bueno les digo que yo fui la encargada de llamar al centro a Larrazábal y decirle que lo felicitamos por su logro académico que fuimos cómplices con sus compañeros de hacerle una sorpresa, ya que él no había podido asistir a la graduación, ese día sería su graduación ya que nosotras las mamás lo graduariamos porque conocíamos su gran esfuerzo para convertirse en Bachiller junto a sus demás compañeros. Les cuento que Larrazábal quedó muy sorprendido por el detalle y su mamá igual, y no pudo contener las lágrimas al ver un detalle tan hermoso para su hijo, su rostro reflejaba orgullo y felicidad, puedo imaginar lo que sintió al ver también lo feliz que estaba su hijo como toda madre, ya que la felicidad de nuestros retoños es la nuestra.

Well, I tell you that I was in charge of calling Larrazábal downtown and telling him that we congratulate him on his academic achievement that we were complicit with his classmates in surprising him, since he had not been able to attend graduation, that day would be his graduation. since we mothers would graduate him because we knew his great effort to become a Bachelor along with his other classmates. I tell you that Larrazábal was very surprised by the detail and his mother was the same, she couldn't hold back her tears when she saw such a beautiful detail for her son, her face reflected pride and happiness, I can imagine what she felt when she also saw how happy her son was like every mother, that the happiness of our offspring is ours.


Elizabeth fué la encargada de entregarle el diploma y yo fui la encargada de colocarle la medalla, sus compañeros atrás le hicieron una ovación, y los aplausos avivaron. Fue un momento muy emotivo y especial para todos. Este día fue muy lindo y sumándole este emotivo momento que se convierte en un recuerdo memorable que sé que mi hija y sus amigos jamás van a olvidar.

I was in charge of placing the medal and Elizabeth handing her the diploma and her classmates behind her gave her a standing ovation, and the applause was lively. It was a very emotional and special moment for everyone. This day was very nice and adding this emotional moment to it becomes a memorable memory that I know my daughter and her friends will never forget.





Como madre me siento muy feliz de las hermosas amistades que mi hija ha logrado encontrar para su vida, es muy notorio el cariño que se tienen y como siempre se apoyan e intentan hacerse felices entre sí, este regalo a larrazabal sólo es una muestra de la infinita bondad que hay en los corazones de estos chicos y no solo de ellos sino también de nosotras las madres ya que sin nosotras nada de esto sería posible, ya que le hemos inculcado valores.

As a mother I feel very happy with the beautiful friendships that my daughter has managed to find for her life, the affection they have for each other is very noticeable and as they always support each other and try to make each other happy, this gift to larrazabal is just a sample of the infinite goodness that is in the hearts of these boys and not only of them but also of us mothers since without us none of this would be possible, since we have instilled values ​​in it.



Esto fue todo por el día de hoy, espero que les haya gustado este post que les cuento con tanto cariño, nos vemos luego.

This was all for today, I hope you liked this post that I tell you with so much love, see you later.

Fotos de mi autoría @alfrednoyed. Cámara: Nokia 1
Fotos editadas con GridArt.
Traducido con Google.

Photos of my authorship @alfrednoyed.
Camera: Nokia 1
Photos edited with GridArt.
Translated with Google.

Gracias por visitar mi blog, nos vemos en mi siguiente post. @alfrednoyed

Thanks for visiting my blog, see you in my next post. @alfrednoyed


A nice gesture of solidarity among mothers and classmates, to give emotional support to others who are going through a bad economic time and have not been able to afford the cost of graduation. I invite you to explore the community and interact with other moms who share their experiences. Commenting on other posts will help you build a base of followers, readers and get the word out about your blog.

Greetings, I agree with you, it was a very nice gesture and I am proud that my daughter has caring people in her life, and I know that Larrazábal will be eternally grateful. Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind and thanks for reading and commenting on my post 😉