How Old Were You When You Took Your First Step...

in Motherhoodlast year

... As a child to either crawl or work? It's widely said that "before you walk, you crawl", to describe the general life pattern of growth. However, some babies skip the crawling stage or touch it very briefly before they start walking.

While none of the above has been very much experienced by my baby, I think other factors help in fasttracking the process. Some of them may include,
a. Having older siblings whom they look up to.

b. Mounting them to stand with parental support as early as possible.

c. Allowing them to allow on the floor (with mat preferably to avoid cold)

d. Getting them a baby walker (I personally don't understand this process a lot) 😐

While the process is not limited to what I outlined above, I have found myself combining most of them in a bid to assist my baby's growth.

We got him a baby walker last week, and he's been having fun getting along with it most times.

What was your childhood growth process like? Please feel free to share with me on the comments below.


Thanks for your supports and encouragements.


In my experience with my oldest daughter she started to take her first steps at 13 months, it was a slow process, but with my last baby she is now 8 months old and she stands on her own, I think she is motivated when she sees her sister walking, she gets excited and wants to imitate her movements.
Everything calmly in time and you will see that she will walk around freely, then you will be behind her attentive 🤗🤭.