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RE: Haciendome parte en el progreso de mis hijas.

in Motherhoodlast year

For any mother or father, it is wonderful to support their children in achieving their goals. On the other hand, I suggest you improve your engagement with the platform. Hive Blog is also a social network, it's not just about responding to comments on your posts, it's also about commenting on the posts of other users in the communities and niches where you publish. It doesn't matter if you don't post much, but keep being present, commenting, interacting, that's the way to gain followers and readers who can also support your content.

 last year (edited) 

Gracias por tu comentario y por tu sugerencia., trato de hacerlo siempre quizás no hayas visto mis comentarios en otras comunidades, para mi no es tan fácil, el acceso a internet, pero cuando comentó me tomo el tiempo para leer y poder comentar de una forma consciente... Igual gracias por tus recomendaciones.. Espero poder interactuar más.
Feliz tarde.