Haircut day(ESP-ING)

in Motherhood2 years ago


SPANISH: Saludos amigos hivers feliz semana para todos, me encanta compartir con ustedes cada detalle de la vida de padres, los hijos nos llenan de alegría y nos dan el propósito de nuestra vida, nos hacen aprender cosas nuevas y ver la vida desde sus ojos. Cualquier padre o madre hace lo que sea por sus hijos si hay que convertirse en maestros, entrenadores, costureros, bailarines, pintores, etc, lo hacemos por nuestros hijos, asi que hoy quiero contarles un poco del día de corte de cabello de mi hijo. Cortarle el cabello a mi hijo siempre ha sido un reto y un momento de tensión, de pequeño lloraba mucho y le temia a la máquina afeitadora así que era un momento terrible para el y para mí también.

ENGLISH: Greetings friends hivers happy week to all, I love to share with you every detail of life as parents, children fill us with joy and give us the purpose of our life, they make us learn new things and see life from their eyes. Any parent does anything for their children whether it is to become teachers, coaches, seamstresses, dancers, painters, etc, we do it for our children, so today I want to tell you a little bit about my son's haircut day.
Cutting my son's hair has always been a challenge and a stressful moment, as a little boy he cried a lot and was afraid of the razor so it was a terrible time for him and for me too.


Ahora es tan protector con su cabello que siempre le ha dado miedo que se lo corten demasiado. Esto por experiencias con barberos a quienes se les ha ido demasiado la mano, lo que agrego más miedos a su lista. Debido a esto y también a la pandemia me cansé de ir de un barbero a otro probando quien le hacía mejor o peor corte y luchando porque se quedará tranquilo, entonces decidí encargarme yo misma de su preciado cabello 😄 Me instrui un poco viendo tutoriales por internet y comencé a cortarselo de poco en poco para no equivocarme, así es como ya llevo unos 3 años cortándole el cabello.

Now he is so protective of his hair that he has always been afraid of having it cut too short. This is because of experiences with barbers who have gone too far overboard, which added more fears to his list.
Because of this and also because of the pandemic I got tired of going from one barber to another trying to see who would give him a better or worse cut and fighting for him to stay calm, so I decided to take care of his precious hair myself 😄.
I instructed myself a little bit by watching tutorials on the internet and I started to cut it little by little so I wouldn't make a mistake, that's how I've been cutting his hair for about 3 years now.


En este momento tenía unos tres meses que no se lo cortaba, ya que me pidió que por las vacaciones se lo dejara crecer, así que estaba largo y desarreglado, cortar el cabello liso aunque parezca más sencillo no lo es, cada corte que uno haga se verá muy marcado en el cabello si se comete un error. Lo que yo hago es degrafilarlo muy bien con la tijera ( solo uso las tijeras) para que no queden los mechones gruesos y marcados. A mi hijo le gusta conservar el cabello largo y yo por otra parte insisto en despejarle un poco la cara, las orejas y el cuello, entonces debemos llegar a un punto medio, largo arriba y más corto a los lados.

At this time I had not cut it for about three months, since he asked me to let it grow for the vacations, so it was long and messy, cutting straight hair although it seems easier it is not, every cut you make will be very marked in the hair if you make a mistake.
What I do is to de-graffiti it very well with the scissors (I only use the scissors) so that the strands are not thick and marked.

My son likes to keep his hair long and I on the other hand insist on clearing up his face, ears and neck a bit, so we have to reach a middle ground, long on top and shorter on the sides.


Siempre me tomo mi tiempo a la hora de cortarle el cabello ( no quiero que me odie por arruinar su cabello) le doy algunos juguetes o el teléfono para que se entretenga mientras tanto y hacer todo con mucha paciencia y cuidado ya que no quiero perder la confianza que me tiene mi hijo como barbera😄😄😄 Así fue como finalmente quedó este cliente exigente, su cabello se ve más brillante y sano que antes, además a mí me encanta como luce su cara con el corte recién hecho.

I always take my time when cutting his hair (I don't want him to hate me for ruining his hair) I give him some toys or the phone to entertain him in the meantime and do everything with a lot of patience and care because I don't want to lose the trust my son has in me as a barber😄😄😄😄😄.
This is how this demanding client finally looked, his hair looks shinier and healthier than before, plus I love the way his face looks with the fresh cut.

Hoy debí ser una barbera, ya veremos la próxima qué me toca ser.

Today I should have been a barber, we'll see next time what I get to be.

Muchas gracias por leer mi post…
Thank you very much for reading my post…

Todas la imágenes son propias, editadas en Picsart
All images are my own, edited at Picsart



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How nice to cut your son's hair yourself. When I was a kid I didn't like hair salons, it was when I was older that it was a necessity to go every month to get a haircut. I see you haven't posted in a while, busy with work?

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Thank you so much for your comment, good to know that my son is not the only one who hates having his hair cut. As you say I've been a bit busy, I hope to share more often😊.

Mother is everything for her kids😉
Well done 👍

Thanks for your comment and for stopping by to read 😊😊😊😊.