Father's Day with much love from my children

in Motherhoodlast year

Today I started the day in the best way, my children gave me a gift, lots of kisses and a big hug and they wished me a great Father's Day.
And they even gave me a present to commemorate this day.
I was speechless and just wanted to be with them all day.
That for me is the greatest love of my life that are my children, it's so nice to wake up every morning and when they get out of bed they come and give me a kiss and a hug and we wish each other a good day and the words I love you are always there every day we tell each other.
Today is father's day luckily I still have mine alive and today I'm going to call him to wish him a good father's day and say that I love him very much, he knows that but I want to tell him one more time.
In the afternoon he comes to my house with my mother and we are going to get together as a family with my parents-in-law, in a great spirit of union and sharing.
I wish all the fathers in the world a happy day and may they always be happy.







You are so lucky to have both parents still alive.
Your sons are adorable and you jabe a lovely family .
Happy father's day

Cool guys!
They have your eyes