A curious find // Un curioso hallazgo

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago

On this Fungi Friday, I present the following photographs of a Coprinopsis picacea commonly called magpie inkcap mushroom, I liked its colors and was more amazed by the name it receives.


En este viernes de setas, presento las siguientes fotografias de un Coprinopsis picacea comunmente llamado hongo inkcap de urraca, me gustaron sus colores y quede más asombrada por el nombre que recibe.

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It is small and has a bell shape, the hat is brown with small white spots which have a scaly appearance, when they are born, their hat is completely attached to the foot and is pinkish in color but with the passing of the days it separates and changes of color until it has the appearance of a bell and its so showy brown tone.



Es pequeño y tiene forma de campana, el sombrero es color marron con pequeñas manchas blancas las cuales tienen un aspecto a escamas, cuando nacen su sombrero esta completamente pegado al pie y es de color rosaceo pero con el paso de los dias va separándose y cambiando de color hasta que llega a tener el aspecto de una campana y su tan vistoso tono marrón.

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Magpie inkcap fungus as it is commonly called, it is because when it is in its final stage, the small spots of the white veil completely disappear from the hat, and its color changes from brown to black, the foot in the same way darkens and the hat is undone and completely glued to the foot; even its state of decomposition is so high that the fungus begins to drip and an unpleasant odor emanates from it.



Hongo inkcap de urraca como comunemente se le llama, es por que cuando ya esta en su etapa final, desaparecen del sombrero por completo las pequeñas manchas del velo blanco,y su color cambia de marron a negro, el pie de igual modo se va oscureciendo y el sombrero queda deshecho y completamente pegado al pie; incluso su estado de descomposicion es tan elevado que el hongo comienza a gotear y emana de el un desagradable olor.

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Here I took a shot from above of the fungus trying to capture the remains of the white veil and its small filaments, which give the appearance of the plumage of a spotted bird.


Aquí hice una toma desde arriba del hongo tratando de captar los restos de velo blanquecino y sus pequeños filamentos, los cuales le llegan a dar el aspecto al plumaje de una ave manchada.

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The inkcaps look so cool when they start to melt :p
Happy Fungifriday!

I have not had the fortune to be able to capture it in that phase but I imagine it will look very beautiful. Thanks 🤗

indeed, a curious find. I never met ink caps of this specie. looks quite photo-friendly, I should say! 'magpie cap mushroom' sounds very funny and so cool for me. thank you for educating me! and Happy #FungiFriday to you!

mmm, I still have to make my own post ! what I am still doing is just watching watching watching others posts posts posts (nice posts, I should say!)


It is one of the mushrooms that I like the most, they are really beautiful, thank you for your support and comment.

my pleasure!
its relatives (Coprinus Comatus) are one of my faves, looking a lot the same (tho has diff qualities) but they are such a photo-friendly creatures !!

This mushroom is very beautiful and strange and it's my first time seeing it.

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