Between sawdust and dry wood // Entre aserrin y madera seca.

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago

Friday came and with it came mushroom day so, welcome everyone to another fungi friday so today is time to talk about a mushroom that I was fortunate to find a few days ago.


Llegó el viernes y con ello llegó el dia de setas asi que, bievenidos todos a otro fungi friday asi que hoy es hora de hablar de una seta que tuve la fortuna de encontrar hace unos dias atrás.

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In the backyard of my house there is a tree that has had a somewhat strange condition for a long time; Since on the one hand it is green and leafy but on the other it is dry and has even served as a home for termites, ants, wasps, bumblebees and fungi such as Schizophyllum commune that I present in this photographic series.



En el patio trasero de mi casa hay un árbol que desde hace tiempo tiene una condicion algo extraña; ya que de un lado esta verde y frondoso pero del otro lado esta seco y hasta ha servido de hogar a termitas, hormigas, avispas, abejorros y hongos como el Schizophyllum commune el cuál presento en esta serie fotográfica.

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The rainy season has gradually receded but the humidity in the environment has not completely disappeared, something very strange since in previous years there was only dry cold, the typical winter cold without humidity, but thanks to the disasters of humanity as we all know . .. climate change is increasingly critical and notorious, there are rains when they should not or when they simply should be scarce, the hot season longer than usual and more changes that force the fauna and flora of each region to adapt.



La epoca de lluvias se ha ido alejando pero la humedad en el ambiente no se ha ido por completo, algo muy extraño ya que en este tiempo años anteriores solo habia frio seco, el tipico frio invernal sin humedad, pero gracias a los desastres de la humanidad como ya todos sabemos... el cambio climatico cada vez es mas crítico y mas notorio, hay lluvias cuando no debiera o cuando debiera sencillamente escasean, la epoca de calor mas larga de lo habitual y más cambios que obligan a la fauna y flora de cada region a adaptarse.

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Like this small fungus, since in past months when the rains were not constant, they were more common, they began to emerge and now in a part of the trunk it has reappeared, it is somewhat curious since apparently weeks ago It was when it began to reappear, as there are older fungi that are already damaged by time because they are already beginning to dry out and have signs of age on their hats, even among them you can see the sawdust left by the different animals that make of that inert trunk her home.



Como este pequeño hongo ya que en meses pasados cuando las lluvias si bien no eran constantes pues, eran mas comunes iniciaron, él comenzo a emerger y ahora en una parte del tronco ha vuelto a aparecer, es un tanto curioso ya que al parecer semanas atrás fue cuando comenzo a reaparacer, pues hay hongos de mayor edad que ya tienen daños por el tiempo pues ya estan comenzando a secarse y tener señales de vejez en sus sombreros, incluso entre ellos se puede ver el aserrín que dejan los diferentes animales que hacen de ese tronco inerte su hogar.

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It is a quite striking fungus because it has a variant color, there are cream, whitish, brown with grayish tones, it has a clam shape and it is very well attached to the trunk from which it emerges lacking an elongated foot, its filaments are thin and tend to be of a darker color, in some shots I was able to capture its beautiful and striking filaments.



Es un hongo bastante llamativo pues tiene un color variante, los hay color crema, blanquesinos, marrones contonos grisaseos, tiene una forma de almeja y va muy bien adherido al tronco del cual emerge careciendo de un pie alargado, sus filamentos son delgados y suelen ser de un color mas oscuro, en algunas tomas pude captar sus bellos y llamativos filamentos.

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They usually grow in small groups but I also found them scattered and alone, some grow as a small circle that with the passage of time separates and grows, they do not usually have a large size some remain completely attached to the trunk and others tend to separate a little but making their feet a little more noticeable, which is always very well rooted to the trunk from which they emerge.



Usualmente crecen en pequeños grupos pero tambien los encontre dispersos y solos, algunos crecen como un pequeño circulo que con el paso del tiempo se va separando y creciendo, no suelen tener un gran tamaño algunos permanecen completamente pegados al tronco y otros se suelen separar um poco mas haciendo un poco mas notable su pie el cual siempre esta muy bien arraigado al tronco de donde emergen.

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Densifying Nature Appreciation (DNA)




Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

thank you very much for valuing my work. 😉✌ @ewkaw & @qurator

You're very welcome:)
Happy Fungifriday!