Ale houby...

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago
¨ I heard on the news yesterday that although is winter, mushrooms grow in the woods. And even edible.

In fact, I have no idea if what I found is for food and I won't try either. But it's photogenic - like mushrooms.

Včera ve zprávách jsem slyšel, že přestože je zima, v lesích rostou houby. A dokonce jedlé.

Popravdě řečeno, netuším, jestli to, co jsem našel, je určené k jídlu a taky to nebudu zkoušet. Ale fotogenické to je - jako houby.









These are velvet foot aka winter mushrooms. If you really want to be sure do a spore print and if the spores are white then you are good to cook them. Though given that they are growing in winter and have all the features of winter mushrooms I don't think you need to worry about these being something poisonous.

'velvet foot aka winter mushrooms.' -- I thought of them too!

The existing toxic unedible synonim - one should have in mind and check to be sure - is Galerina marginata, which is also a winter mushroom. And those do not like it. But you have to be totally sure, to pick them up. Cheers!

ps. damn photo-friendly. nice captures! -- !ENGAGE 15

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