Hey lovelies
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese
Welcome to my blog

Take a look at your life and check if you have not been happy with a major part of your life and you may come to discover that it is due to lack of contentment. A person who is contented will live a happier and better life that persons who are not contented. Contentment may be difficult because no matter how many you have you'd always want more, however it is important to master and practice contentment. This is solely for the reason that no man can have it all.

Do you know that as humans our taste, want and demands keep increasing from time to time. If you are of the school of thought that you want to achieve all your heart desires and even supercede it before you are happy, then you may remain an unhappy man throughout your life. Today you want to purchase the latest phone in town or you want to ride the most luxurious automobile. Fine, you may achieve it but the moment there's a newer version your mind begins to get troubled again and you may not be happy until you purchase it.

The key to practicing contentment is to be grateful for your present condition rather than complaining and lamenting about the things that you don't have at the moment. When you have a grateful heart you'd be able to value the one that you at that particular moment no matter how little or outdated it may be. A person that does not practice gratitude may find it hard to make progress in life. The reason is not far-fetched. It is because he or she will be unhappy the moment they see that someone else is doing better than them.

Have you come across the saying that "the point you are in your life is someone else's prayer point". The phase of your life that you are presently that you are feeling unhappy is what some people are praying and fasting for day and night. It is advisable that you don't wait until you are out of the phase before you start to appreciate. In other words, don't lose what you have while chasing shadows. In addition, desist from the act of comparing yourself with others, this can negatively affect your self esteem and productivity to a great extent. It will keep the fire of discontentment burning in you.

I have had some friends in the past that their eyes are always on anything new you just acquire and they will not be at rest until they purchase it. We all like good things but what seperate some people from the other is the ability to be contented. Are you contented?

Thank you for your time lovelies.
The post is originally written by me 💕@debbie-ese💕


Your comments, criticism and votes are highly appreciated.

Being contented with what you have is very good.
Thank for sharing

Thanks for stopping by dear