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RE: Sincerely Unapologetic

but if you are not happy with the results you get, it is worth reviewing your own process.

That's exactly the tricky part in this and in all our previous discussions on the matter in which it would makes the impression that we actually do not agree.

On multiple occasions you thought and have said that people is not happy with the results they are getting because only you have convinced yourself that some things people say and how they say them is a mere complaint of not being happy with the results they are getting.

Has it yet occurred to you to think that most of these are not complaints or claims of any sort as you usually think these are or that the results they are obtaining with them make them unhappy at all? Haven't you still realized that this is nothing more than the very personal way in which you, biasedly, individually and intimately have perceived as "complaints" what they are truly saying or trying to mean?

However, I always will be 100% in agreement with you that if they authentically are not happy with the results they get, it is more than worth reviewing their process.

People could accept you as you, and still ignore everything you ever say.

That's exactly what always happens and will continue to happen when someone tries to raise awareness about something.

Perhaps it's just because I'm already too old. But in my opinion, who the hell should care nowadays what other people think of you? That they accept you, that they ignore you? Few of both things could be more subjective in value judging for how long they actually last in reality.


On multiple occasions you thought and have said that people is not happy with the results they are getting because only you have convinced yourself that some things people say and how they say them is a mere complaint of not being happy with the results they are getting.

When people are incessantly talking negatively about the system they choose to operate with, I think that qualifies as complaint. When it all stems around a result that they are not themselves getting, I think they are not happy with their results. I don't think it takes a rocket scientist.

That's exactly what always happens and will continue to happen when someone tries to raise awareness about something.

This is not true at all. Many people can raise awareness on even some very topical issues, and still not be ignored.

But in my opinion, who the hell should care nowadays what other people think of you?

No one should - but people should still consider their process, if they are not getting the results they want. But hey, some people just love to complain, but not actually look toward themselves to see if change might be useful. People are stubborn to the point they victimize themselves.
