For The Appropriate Reasons, Accept And Welcome Daily Discomfort.

in Self Improvement2 years ago

Although discomfort is a type of pain, it is only superficial. It's the sensation you have after stepping outside of your comfort zone. For instance, many people find it uncomfortable to consider exercising, therefore they choose not to. Eating a spinach and kale salad also makes you feel uncomfortable. The same is true of saying "no" to people or meditating or concentrating on a challenging activity. These are obviously merely illustrative since various people are uncomfortable with different things, but you get the gist.

The most important thing to realise is that the majority of discomfort actually helps us develop into our strongest, most intelligent selves. Many of us, however, were raised by devoted parents who went out of their way to make our childhoods comfortable, so we unintentionally grew up with the belief that we don't need discomfort in our lives. And now we continuously flee from it. The issue with this is that by avoiding discomfort, we are limited to just engaging in pursuits and opportunities that fall within our comfort zones. We miss out on many of life's most rewarding and healthy experiences because our comfort zones are very tiny, and this causes us to become trapped in a harmful loop.

Use food and exercise as an illustration.

We first become unwell because we choose comfort food and mindless TV viewing over healthy eating and exercise because they are uncomfortable.
However, being unwell is also uncomfortable, so we try to avoid facing the truth about our unhealthy bodies by consuming more unhealthy foods, watching more unhealthy entertainment, and visiting the mall to buy items we don't actually need or want. And the discomfort we feel only increases.

Amazingly, tolerating a little discomfort each day and taking things slowly can address most of our typical difficulties and, in the long run, make our minds happier, healthier, and stronger.

But once more, it can be really, really difficult. No one in the world is able to withstand every blow dealt to them with perfection. We were not created that way. We're designed to occasionally feel angry, depressed, hurt, stumble, and fall. Because dealing with discomfort, growing from it, and adapting over time are all parts of living. This is ultimately responsible for shaping who we become.

So keep in mind that this is analogous to where caterpillars go to develop their wings when you find yourself isolated and unable to find your way out of the darkness. Even if today may be uncomfortable and stressful, tomorrow is still likely to be fantastic. All you have to do is arrive.

All images and contents are copyrighted to me @rocksg


Exercise is the most practicable example for unwanted discomfort. I have heard people express their desire to loose weight, however, they have little or no desire to do so by exercising.

The most important thing to realise is that the majority of discomfort actually helps us develop into our strongest, most intelligent selves.

...And that makes discomfort a powerful tool for growth and development.
I would love to add that the things that are very discomforting right now, if done over time might even become hobbies.