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RE: Sometimes Only HATE Will Do It? Controversial, Much Maligned & Absolutely Bloody VITAL!

I try to use the things I hate about my life and situation as a means of motivating myself to fix said life and situation, not always with success I might add.

Right now I'm in a crater of.... meh.. still looking for that thing that'll kick me out of this funk... Lockdown and the cold weather isn't helping much.. but that lot is slowly being resolved.

Like currently I hate my coffee machine cause it's rather crap. But I also hate the amount of debt I have on my credit cards so can't bring myself to buy a new machine yet until my credit cards are.. more cleared. Two things I hate, one requires fixing for the other to also be fixable, apply this to a most of the things in my life and you have a spaghetti mess of problems all needing other problems to be fixed and it's like args, difhgsduiojgoiksdjfo... give up and go back to bed. xD

my life in a nutshell.. hmm.. been a while since I've sat and evaluated things.

anyways am I even on topic anymore? I donno.. o_o; Good post anyways. :D 👍

My witness node - Stream on


ShmoogeyBaby! To one degree or another, we are all:

a spaghetti mess of problems

I think some of us just hide it better than others (although I am not one of those who manage 'that' well!!!)

Spend a little more time dwelling on your raft of positive qualities man! Having had the awesome privilege of meeting you in the year that shall not be named I KNOW those qualities are many and varied and I found you to be very different to how I imagined, in an extremely positive way I should add haha :D

The warmer weather is just around the corner for us, (I believe double digit temperatures by Wednesday) I am constantly commentating on the sunrise and sunset times much to my family's annoyance lol, that helps me focus my mind on the small incremental boosts on the way to British Summertime and vitamin D mining opportunities-a-plenty.

The witness vote has finally been cast, better late than never, right? I am incredibly happy to have the opportunity to support such a bloody fabulous guy, I hope 2021 gives us the opportunity to meet again, great to cross paths with you man :)

Coffee meet 2021! Going to be epic!

You had BETTER believe it!!! :D

CoffeeMeet 2021 now with 62% more memes!


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