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RE: The Movies & TV Shows Community Podcast: The Pilot

The first step has already been taken, we just have to let everything flow and wow, the passion and desire to continue talking about movies and series are endless, every day I have ideas for this podcast and little by little we will develop them.

Here we talk about movies! 👽🎬✌️


oh yes! we hope the community is encouraged, everyone who publishes about movies, the doors are open for us to make unique content for the platform. do you like movies? tv series? then let's talk about what we are passionate about on the podcast. come on everyone!

Yo espero de todo corazón que la comunidad Latina se anime a participar es un podcast en ESPAÑOL para todos los que hacen vida aquí.

Como lo digo siempre... Vamos a debatir que de eso se trata todo esto de charlar y charlar.
