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RE: Love (special guests: marriage and divorce) πŸ‘«β€οΈπŸ’” [review] [eng/spa]

in Movies & TV Shows β€’ last year

Is this the first K-drama you've seen? I haven't been able to watch one. I tried to watch one last year and couldn't. Too much romance, I don't think I could get hooked on any more.

This one tackles an interesting topic, marriage and love, because being married doesn't necessarily mean you're still in love. There are many couples that last many years of marriage, but because they end up getting used to each other, they love each other like siblings, the love is a bit short-lived. hahaha.

There are many fans of k dramas here, I'm sure someone has already seen it and will comment on your post.

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Boy, what a lot of lovelessness in you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚.

Well yes, I started with this K-drama and I liked it. The reality is what you say, love comes in many forms. So to watch one episode today and one tomorrow (as we watched Marimar on VV at 2:00 p.m.) it's fine.

Yes I have seen the other partners, so I look forward to their comments as well.

Thank you always for your wise commentary and support.
