Mundo Centauro/Centaurworld (Reseña/Review)

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago (edited)



Una guerrera con su yegua escapan de los enemigos de la guerra que están librando, con un artefacto que los llevara a la victoria si se descubre su buen uso, estando acorraladas por los enemigos deciden saltar un arrecife, pero es intervenido el escape, haciendo que la guerra y su yegua se separen por medio de una luz que emite el artefacto que tenían en su poder. Al abrir los ojos, Horse despierta con una sensación extraña y en un lugar desconocido, ahora puede hablar y tiene que lidiar con animales extraños que nunca había visto.


A warrior with her horse escape from the enemies of the war they are waging, with an artifact that will lead them to victory if its good use is discovered, being cornered by the enemies they decide to jump a reef, but the escape is intervened, causing the warrior and her horse are separated by means of a light emitted by the artifact they had in their possession. Opening her eyes, Horse wakes up with a strange feeling and in an unknown place, she can talk and has to deal with strange animals that she had never seen.



Horse: Yegua de guerra que esta atrapada en otro mundo.

Wammawink: Mitad llama, mitad humana, líder de una manada extraña.

Zulius: Mitad cebra, mitad humano, enamorado de si mismo.

Ched: Mitad pájaro, mitad humano, mal humorado y desquiciado.

Glendale: Mitad Gacela, mitad humana, cleptómana con problemas.

Durpleton: Mitad jirafa, mitad humano, con extraña relación con su trasero.


Horse: War mare that is trapped in another world.

Wammawink: Half alpaca, half human, leader of a strange pack.

Zulius: Half zebra, half human, in love with himself.

Ched: Half bird, half human, moody and deranged.

Glendale: Half Gazelle, half human, kleptomaniac with problems.

Durpleton: Half giraffe, half human, strangely related to his butt.



Soy fanático de las series animadas, más que nada aquellas que tengan un interesante diseño de personajes, me gusta como puede explotar la imaginación de un animador al hacerlas, por eso, me llamo la atención esta serie, aunque no supiera mucho sobre que trataba, la vi como una posible animación para adultos, al estrenarse hace unos pocos días le eche un ojo solo para ver de que se trataba y me atrapo directamente esta serie de diez capítulos.

Para empezar, tiene dos estilos de dibujo, eso fue lo que me mantuvo interesado, aunque los cambios pueden ser pequeños y muy sutiles se pueden notar, uno es más caricaturesco y el otro es más recto, quería ver como podían mostrar dos mundos con diseño diferentes constantemente. Algo que no sabia si iba a funcionar o que me gustaría eran las canciones, es un pequeño musical donde cantan sobre sus emociones y lo que sucede a su alrededor, pensé que me hartaría pero realmente las canciones son buenas, al menos me gustaron y no son entorpecedoras.

En el mundo de los centauros se ven varias combinaciones extrañas, con personajes tontos e infantiles, que si los llegaran a enfocar demasiado seria cansado, tonto y sin gracia, pero solo es un fondo con personajes secundarios, las protagonistas son Horse y Wammawink, que tienen una historia detrás, llegando a ser serias en el momento adecuado. La historia va en un camino de lo tonto a lo problemático, es una serie con un trasfondo serio escondido con una animación infantil, ya hemos visto esto en otras series animadas, como Atrás del Jardín y Hora de Aventura, pero en esta ocasión la historia va enfocada hacia los niños, tal vez para entregar más contenido con historia de fondo que solo capítulos constante de tonterías, como las viejas caricaturas.

Los personajes secundarios a pesar de ser tontos e infantiles, no son un peso muerto, ni mucho menos hacen molestar en el momento, solo se dejan ser para que la trama continúe, siendo un principio dulce para el final agrio que tiene la serie. La serie se estrenó en Netflix recientemente así que será mejor que la vean para disfrutar de unas maravillosas canciones.


I am a fan of animated series, especially those that have an interesting character design, I like how an animator's imagination can explode when making them, for that reason, this series caught my attention, although I did not know much about what it was about, I saw it as a possible animation for adults, when it was released a few days ago I took a look just to see what it was about and I directly caught this series of ten chapters.

To begin with, it has two styles of drawing, that was what kept me interested, although the changes can be small and very subtle you can notice, one is more cartoonish and the other is more straight, I wanted to see how they could show two worlds with design different constantly. Something that I did not know if it would work or that I would like were the songs, it is a little musical where they sing about their emotions and what happens around them, I thought I would get fed up but the songs are really good, at least I liked them and not they are disruptive.

In the world of centaurs you see several strange combinations, with silly and childish characters, that if they were to focus too much would be tired, silly and without grace, but it is only a background with secondary characters, the protagonists are Horse and Wammawink, who they have a story behind them, becoming serious at the right time. The story goes on a path from the silly to the problematic, it is a series with a serious hidden background with a children's animation, we have already seen this in other animated series, such as Over the Garden and Adventure Time, but this time the story It is geared towards children, perhaps to deliver more content with a backstory than just constant chapters of silly stuff, like the old cartoons.

The secondary characters, despite being silly and childish, are not a dead weight, much less annoying at the moment, they only let themselves be so that the plot continues, being a sweet beginning for the sour end that the series has. The series premiered on Netflix recently so you better watch it to enjoy some wonderful songs.


Espero les haya gustado el post y les haya interesado la serie, sin más que decir, nos leemos luego.

I hope you liked the post and have been interested in the series, without more to say, we will read later.






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Wow me llamó mucho la atención jeje :3 sí que la veré
gracias por la recomendación, un saludo y cuidate

Muchas gracias por leer, me alegra que te haya llamado la atención.

The first season was really good. I quite like comedies and dramedies that do a good job of balancing comedy with serious topics and / or sad or dark moments. Centaurworld does a good job of it. It's got adventure time vibes for sure. I saw someone describe it as being a mix of Adventure Time, Steven Universe and Ren and Stumpy and that doesn't quite capture it but it doesn't seem too far off either.

One thing, not sure if this was a translation error or not, but I'm pretty sure Wammawink is an alpacataur ie half alpaca half human.

Oh sure, I didn´t notice, my bad hahahaha I translate "Llama" which in Spanish means flame, but also alpaca, How silly not to realize it, thanks for the observation.

Now we have a new animated series that we must trace through its history to understand it, I really like animated series like this, the last I saw that it was like that was infinity train.

Thank you for reading.

Infinity Train is worth watching then? My partner and I saw the pilot from ages ago when CN did the run of show pilots that included it, and that was good, but we haven't gone and watched the series after it came out yet.

I also saw the pilot a few years ago, I even got the pilot on CN's official YouTube channel. I saw some publications on my social networks like the drawing style that the series had and I decided to look for it, it already has 4 seasons hahahaha. I've only seen 3 seasons, they have ten chapters each, it's not that long.

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