[SERIE REVIEW] The good witch: ¿Una serie odiada por los pixies?/ The good witch: A series hated by the pixies? [ESP/ENG] @Justtalking

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¿Creen en las casualidades?/ Do you believe in coincidences?

Seguramente pensarán por el titulo que esta es una serie sobre brujas, quizás al estilo de Sabrina la bruja adolescente pero un poco más amigable y con menos producción, al menos eso es lo que pensé yo la primera vez que la vi, pero realmente no es así jajaja

Surely you will think from the title that this is a series about witches, perhaps in the style of Sabrina the teenage witch but a little friendlier and with less production, at least that's what I thought the first time I saw it, but it really is not so hahaha


The good witch nos lleva a un pueblito pintoresco, en donde una sutil magia viaja por el aire llegando a cada habitante del lugar. La historia se centra en Cassie Nightingale y la continuación de su vida luego de mudarse con su hija Grace a Middletown, en donde un sinfín de historias comenzarán a abrirse camino entre su dia a dia.

The good witch takes us to a picturesque little town, where a subtle magic travels through the air reaching each inhabitant of the place. The story focuses on Cassie Nightingale and the continuation of her life after moving with her daughter Grace to Middletown, where endless stories begin to make their way into her day to day life.

The Good Witch - Complete Series - All 12 Movies BOXSET DVD.png


Será fácil encariñarse con uno que otro habitante pues la calidez del lugar y sus historias harán que así sea.

It will be easy to get attached to one or another inhabitant because the warmth of the place and its stories will make it so.

Cassie es Viuda, perdió a su esposo Jake hace un tiempo y ahora al comenzar de cero muchas cosas pueden pasar, abrió un lugar llamado Bell, Book and Candle y también es la dueña del Hotel Grey, en los cuales se encarga de ayudar a sus visitantes a solucionar problemas como por arte de... ¿magia?

Cassie is a widow, she lost her husband Jake a while ago and now when starting from scratch many things can happen, she opened a place called Bell, Book and Candle and she is also the owner of the Gray Hotel, in which she is in charge of helping her visitors to solve little problems as if by the art of... magic?

Good Witch_ Spellbound _ Hallmark Channel (1).png


Al lugar se acaba de mudar Sam, un médico divorciado junto a su hijo Nick, y en seguida queda intrigado por la forma en que la "intuición" de Cassie actúa sobre el pueblo y sus habitantes, pero como por cosas del destino, se hacen buenos amigos y forman un vínculo fuerte que iluminará a todo el pueblo.

Sam, a divorced doctor, and his son Nick have just moved to the place, and he is immediately intrigued by the way in which Cassie's "intuition" acts on the town and its inhabitants, but as if by fate, they become good friends and form a strong bond that will enlighten the whole town.



●Personajes secundarios●/ Second characters

Ya hablamos de los personajes principales, ahora hablemos del resto que da vida a esta historia.

We already talked about the main characters, now let's talk about the rest that brings this story to life.

Por un lado tenemos a Nick y Grace, los hijos de Sam y Cassie, ambos adolescentes luchando por entender las formas tan extrañas que tiene la vida de actuar, Grace perdió a su padre en un asesinato y Nick se vió en medio de un inesperado divorcio, ahora, ambos se han vuelto grandes amigos, pero ¿Estarán listos para ver que sus padres inicien una nueva vida juntos?

On the one hand we have Nick and Grace, the children of Sam and Cassie, both teenagers struggling to understand the strange ways that life has to act, Grace lost her father in a murder and Nick was in the middle of an unexpected divorce. Now, both have become great friends, but will they be ready to see their parents start a new life together?

Photos from _True Colors_.jpg


Luego tenemos a Abigail, la prima de Cassie, quien también tiene el poder de mover el mundo por mera "intuición", y aunque al inicio puede que no les caiga bien terminará ayudando a quienes pueda en el pueblo, sin embargo, hay historias del pasado que se encargaran de tocar nuevamente a su puerta, ¿sus intenciones serán buenas?

Then we have Abigail, Cassie's cousin, who also has the power to move the world by mere "intuition", and although at the beginning they may not like her, she will end up helping whoever she can in the town, however, there are stories of the past that they will be in charge of knocking on your door again, are your intentions good?

Good Witch_ Spellbound _ Hallmark Channel (3).png


Y por último tenemos a un grupo de permanentes de la serie: La alcaldesa Martha, Stephanie quien es dueña de un lindo restaurant y es mejor amiga de Cassie, y George, suegro del difunto esposo de Cassie, quien ahora trabaja de la mano con ella en Middletown.

And finally we have a group of permanent members of the series: Mayor Martha, Stephanie who owns a nice restaurant and is Cassie's best friend, and George, father-in-law of Cassie's late husband, who now works hand in hand with her. in Middletown.



En este pueblo encontrarán historias reconfortantes, tranquilas y relajadas, para muchos es un lugar de paso, y para otros, es justo el lugar para dar el siguiente paso, y como dice Cassie:

In this town you will find comforting, calm and relaxed stories, for many it is a place of passage, and for others, it is just the place to take the next step, and as Cassie says:

"El primer paso en una nueva dirección no debe ser perfecto, solo debe ser un paso" ✨

"The first step in a new direction should not be perfect, it should only be a step" ✨

Esta serie canadiense cumple con mostrar la filosofía del: "Hay magia en ayudar a otras personas", y también con el enfocarse en lo positivo y no en lo negativo, y creo que este es uno de los puntos que desató desagrado entre un porcentaje de espectadores, vi muchos comentarios de personas diciendo que la serie era patética por ser muy alegre y por solucionar problemas de manera "mágica", porque en la vida real no pasa así y los problemas son más grandes, también vi comentarios en donde decían que como era una serie de "Brujas" era todo sobre un culto y el pueblo estaba hipnotizado y pare de hablar... y me quedé como: ¿qué les pasa? Entiendo que cada quien tiene gustos que no tienen porqué ser iguales a los de los demás pero, ¿en serio le vas a tirar hate a una serie por ser muy "positiva y relajada"?, entiendo que hay personas a las que les molesta ese tipo de contenido, y está bien, es su tema, pero honestamente, si tu vida es un caos en serio vas a ponerte a ver contenido que sea igual de caótico para luego criticar el que no lo es?

This Canadian series complies with showing the philosophy of: "There is magic in helping other people", and also with focusing on the positive and not the negative, and I think this is one of the points that sparked displeasure among a percentage of viewers, I saw many comments from people saying that the series was pathetic for being very happy and for solving problems in a "magical" way, because in real life it doesn't happen like that and the problems are bigger, I also saw comments where they said that how it was a series of "Witches" it was all about a cult and the people were hypnotized and stopped talking... and I was like: what's wrong with them? I understand that everyone has tastes that do not have to be the same as others, but are you seriously going to hate a series for being very "positive and relaxed"? I understand that there are people who are bothered by that type of content, and that's fine, it's their theme, but honestly, if your life is seriously chaotic, are you going to watch content that is just as chaotic and then criticize the one that isn't?



The good witch es una serie de 7 temporadas, con infinitas historias, temas sobre el matrimonio, los divorcios, las pérdidas, las nuevas oportunidades, el amor, el desamor, etc... Es una serie realmente tranquila, que puedes ver en cualquier momento ya sea enfocandole toda tu atención o usándola de entretenimiento de fondo mientras haces algo más, no es la clase de serie que te diria que te hará quedarte pegado del teléfono o tv por horas esperando por un cap más, realmente no genera esa necesidad desesperada de tener que ver cap tras cap, y creo que es una de las cosas que me gustó además de las mini historias jajaja

The good witch is a series of 7 seasons, with infinite stories, themes about marriage, divorce, loss, new opportunities, love, heartbreak, etc... It is a really calm series, which you can watch at any moment either focusing all your attention on it or using it as background entertainment while you do something else, it's not the kind of series that I would tell you will make you stay glued to the phone or tv for hours waiting for one more episode, it really doesn't generate that desperate need of having to watch cap after cap, and I think it's one of the things that I liked about the other mini-stories hahaha



Amigos, si buscan algo tranquilo de ver, esta podría ser una opción, el lugar de filmación es precioso en cada temporada, provoca ir a vivir en un lugar así en lugar de una ciudad ruidosa, los personajes son personas realmente comunes, y las historias, son historias con las que te podrías identificar en algún punto.

Friends, if you are looking for something quiet to watch, this could be an option, the filming place is beautiful in each season, it makes you want to live in such a place instead of a noisy city, the characters are really ordinary people, and the stories , are stories with which you could identify at some point.



Yo le doy un 7/10 🎁 Porque si, podria ser mejor, pero mala no es, y me entretiene cuando la veo, no tengo problemas con ella, está bien!! Si la ven, o ya la vieron, me cuentan que tal les pareció 🤗🐈‍⬛

I give it a 7/10 🎁 Because yes, it could be better, but it's not bad, and it entertains me when I see it, I have no problems with it, it's fine!! If you see it, or have already seen it, tell me how you thought 🤗🐈‍⬛

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Before I read that it was a Canadian production, when I saw the poster it was the first thing I thought, it looks like a Canadian TV production. When you say it reminds you of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, to me it reminds me of the old version of Sabrina. The new version that ended a while ago I didn't see. This one I won't see but I will recommend it to my daughter who likes this kind of productions.

As always, I invite you to check the community feed and interact with other users, maybe you will find a new movie you like.

Hello Friend Greetings☺

Exactly, I had in mind the old sabrina the teenage witch when I saw this recommendation, but then I noticed that it was not like that, I hope your daughter likes the recommendation, the productions of the hallmark channel are really to my liking, soon we will be sharing more content in reference to vary the korean dramas lol.

As always, thanks for reading and supporting us 🤗🎉