
Yo me quede con mas ganas de ver a Cheetah. Me gusto el personaje, solo tengo quejas sobre la batalla entre ambas, por eso también quiero verla en la siguiente entrega y que la batalla sea espectacular.
La película me agrado, y en mi reseña la defendí de los brutales ataques que ha recibido. Entiendo porque la directora le ha dado ese tono a la historia.
Creo que la película tiene mucha influencia del estilo de la vieja serie de televisión, la cual era sencilla, inocente, lo que los haters llaman infantil. me recordó bastante a esa serie.
La tercera creo que continuara en ese mismo estilo, no creo que la directora quiera cambiar, ella y Gal quieren que Wonder Woman sea un icono positivo para los niños.

Yo pienso igual, creo que hasta leí que la mayoría de espectadores que les gustó el film eran niños y para mí eso está bien, yo si pienso que con las escenas de acción que aparecen fueran con más emoción de seguro fuera sido un mejor film, pero en historia la encontré bien, se ve que Jenkins si reflejo esa influencia que obtuvo de trabajos de esa época.

The problem I had was that it was so long, they could have easily cut an hour out of that movie.

I agree with that, the issue is in the repetition of Max Lord's scenes and his interaction with leaders of nations, perhaps one should have thought of doing better or eliminating one of those scenes.

The Marvel movies seem to be like that, the Avengers movie I watched last was like 2.5 hours long, took me three days to watch it!

About Marvel's films like Avengers, I think that because of the hype I don't feel that it is a long film, maybe the second time I see them I can feel that it is a long story, but I think you are right that they can be direct, but having so many characters I think it is fair that each one has an important moment on the screen and I think that is why it is necessary of time, this really affects WW1984 because it is much more the scenes of Steve and Diana than those of Max and Minerva.

Great review! Nice job sourcing your photos properly and I like how you have Spanish and English versions.

I’m dying to see this movie soon. I haven’t had the chance to watch it yet.

Thank you very much for your comment, I hope you can see it soon and that you like it; it is an entertaining film that could have been better and it is not a bad film as some critics have said, I hope that when you see it you can come back and tell me your opinion.

I really liked the movie (as pure entertainment), although it is very slow in so many moments and has other problems as well.

Great review, @nameless16.

P.S .: My biggest disappointment was that Cheetah was so badly used.

Hello @wiseagent! WW84 is entertaining, unfortunately the imbalance between the story and action scenes is bad, it makes it look slow and I regret the use of Cheetah, so I hope she appears in the sequel of this film.

Gracias por comentar!