Frida Kahlo a movie that a good idea to see again/Frida Kahlo una película que es buena idea volver a ver


Hello friends of Hive, today I will talk about the biographical film of Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo. Who was born in Coyoacán, Mexico, 1907. Mexican painter. Although she moved in the environment of the great Mexican muralists of her time and shared their ideals, Frida Kahlo created an absolutely personal painting, naive, innovative and deeply metaphorical at the same time, derived from her exalted sensitivity and from various events that marked her life.

Hola amigos de Hive, hoy les hablare de la película biográfica de Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo. Quien nació en Coyoacán, México, 1907. Pintora mexicana. Aunque se movió en el ambiente de los grandes muralistas mexicanos de su tiempo y compartió sus ideales, Frida Kahlo creó una pintura absolutamente personal, ingenua innovadora y profundamente metafórica al mismo tiempo, derivada de su exaltada sensibilidad y de varios acontecimientos que marcaron su vida.


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This feature film is based on the book Hayden Herrera. With six nominations for the 2002 Oscars, 2002 Golden Globes, 2002 BATFA, and Screen Actors Guild Awards.

This film chronologically portrays the life of the artist, her sufferings, her loves, and makes us understand her life, and what she had to go through to become the painter that she became.

A woman who suffered from a serious illness from a very young age. At the age of 6, she contracted polio that left her sequelae that would affect her throughout her life. When she was only 18 years old, she suffered a fatal accident, which fractured her spine and pelvis.

Este largometraje está basado en el libro Hayden Herrera. Con seis nominaciones a los premios Oscar 2002, Globos de Oro 2002, BATFA 2002 y Premios del Sindicato de Actores.

Esta película retrata de manera cronológica, la vida de la artista, sus sufrimientos, amores y nos hacen entender su vida, y lo que tuvo que padecer para convertirse en la pintora que llegó a ser.

Una mujer que padeció una grave enfermedad desde muy pequeña. A los 6 años contrajo poliomielitis que le dejó secuelas que la afectarían a lo largo de su vida. Cuando contaba con tan solo 18 años sufre un fatal accidente, que le fracturó la columna vertebral y la pelvis.


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During the months that she was shown in bed, it is when Frida learns to paint to distract herself from the confinement and the terrible pains she felt. Unable to get up from her bed, she asks her parents to place a mirror on her bed, and to make her an easel that allows her to paint herself while lying down. Her paintings show her two dualities; her escape to a happy reality (her dreams of loving her and becoming a mother), and her impotence, her frustration at her terrible reality and her sorrows.

This accident leaves serious consequences in Frida's life, which would persist throughout her life. Like the inability to have children and the multiple operations she would undergo for the rest of her life, which would cause intense and terrible pain.

Durante los meses que estuvo mostrada en la cama, es cuando Frida aprende a pintar para distraerse del encierro y los terribles dolores que sentía. Ella sin poder incorporarse de la cama pide a sus padres le coloquen un espejo sobre su cama, y le fabriquen un caballete que le permite estando acostada pintarse ella misma. Sus pinturas muestran sus dos dualidades; su escape a una realidad feliz (sus sueños de amor y de convertirse en madre), y su impotencia, frustración ante su terrible realidad y penas.

Este accidente deja graves secuelas en la vida de Frida, que la persistirían durante toda su vida. Como la incapacidad de tener hijos y las múltiples operaciones a la que se sometería durante el resto de su vida, y que le causarían intensos y terribles dolores.


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The film deals with her stormy love / hate relationship with the muralist Diego Rivera, her one true love, as well as her love affairs with men and women. Among them the most famous lover of her Leon Trotsky.

This film shows us the fragile side of a human Frida, strong and with convictions ahead of a time when women had no opinions, her duty was to have children, take care of the home and they were only the shadows of their husbands. She is influenced by the Mexican nationalism of her time and shows it in her paintings, using traditional pre-Columbian colors, and showing it in her way of dressing.

La película trata su relación tormentosa de amor/odio con el muralista Diego Rivera, su único y verdadero amor, así como sus aventuras amorosas con hombres y mujeres. Entre ellos su amante más famoso León Trotski.

Este film nos muestra el lado frágil de una Frida humana, fuerte y de convicciones adelantadas a una época en donde las mujeres no tenían opiniones, su deber era tener hijos, cuidar del hogar y solo eran las sombras de sus maridos. Ella es influenciada por el nacionalismo mexicano de su época y lo demuestra en sus pinturas, usando los colores tradicionales precolombinos, y mostrándolo en su manera de vestir.


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Many of Frida's paintings were considered surrealist, a movement that with Salvador Dalí was beginning to manifest itself at that time. She was always annoyed that her works were considered surreal, to which she stated:

"I was taken for a surrealist. This is not correct, I have never painted dreams, what I have represented was my reality." Frida Kahlo.

Muchas de las pinturas de Frida fueron consideradas surrealista, un movimiento que con Salvador Dalí comenzaba a manifestarse en esa época. Ella siempre le molestó que consideraran sus obras como surrealistas, a lo que manifestó:

"Se me tomaba por una surrealista. Ello no es correcto, yo nunca he pintado sueños, lo que yo he representado era mi realidad." Frida Kahlo.


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This film masterfully shows Frida's life, with an extraordinary cast of actors, screenwriter, producers and director. Here is the trailer for the film.

Esta película muestra magistralmente vida de Frida, con un elenco extraordinario de actores, guionista, productores y director. Acá el tráiler de la película.

Movie Credits:

Director: Julie Taymor.
Salma Hayek as Frida Kahlo.Alfredo Molina as Diego Rivera.Geoffrey Rush as Leon Trotsky.Ashey Judd as Tina Modotti. Mia Maestro as Cristina Kahlo.Roger Ress as Guillermo Kahlo. Diego Luna as Alejandro "Alex". Edward Norton as Nelson Rockefeller. Antonio Banderas as David Alfaro Siqueiros.
