Wednesday (2022) first impressions: another Riverdale or nah?

in Movies & TV Showslast year



Although I've never been the eldest of The Addams Family, it's hard not to be curious about Wednesday, the Netflix original series not only promised to bring the brilliant minds of Tim Burton and Dany Elfman back together (as director and composer, respectively), but also seemed adapting the original story of this particular family with a fairly respectable level of fidelity.

The fears, of course, were very rational, since although we had a fairly solid cast led by a very correct Jenny Ortega (Who at least from a visual point of view fits the role perfectly), dedicating ourselves to reading the premise a bit could leave us with the impression that we are facing one more adolescent adaptation than the bunch... Let's remember that other similar incursions such as Riverdale or Sabrina have not exactly left a good taste in our mouths.

However, after having completed its first episode it is evident that the triumphs are more numerous than the failures, and beyond a couple of minor inconveniences with the passing and the general rhythm of the work, this is a simple and entertaining series that it has enough potential to earn our long-term appreciation.

His greatest virtue? Without the need to break the mythology created by the comic strips/original series, Wednesday is an organic expansion of a gothic universe that can freely choose how attached to realism or fiction it wants to be, becoming a story where we can hardly guess what will happen. , and playing with surprisingly violent elements that blend naturally with comedy.


The characters introduced aren't anything to write home about but it's also understood that they need time to settle in properly, it's a visually appealing series and it stays far enough from the tropes of the genre to be worth a chance.

We hope it stays strong over time and good on Netflix for not destroying one more intellectual property.




Aunque nunca he Sido el mayor de The Addams family es difícil no sentir curiosidad por Wednesday, la serie original de Netflix no solo prometía volver a juntar las mentes brillantes de Tim Burton y Dany Elfman (Como director y compositor, respectivamente), sino que aparentaba adaptar la historia original de esta particular familia con un un nivel de fidelidad bastante respetable.

Los miedos, por supuestos, eran muy racionales, ya que aunque teníamos un cast bastante sólido liderado por una muy correcta Jenny Ortega (Quien al menos desde un punto de vista visual encqja perfectamente en el papel), dedicarnos a leer un poco la premisa podría dejarnos la impresión de que estamos frente a una adaptación adolescente más del montón... Recordemos que otras incursiones similares como Riverdale o Sabrina no han dejado precisamente in buen sabor de boca.

No obstante, luego de haber completado su primer episodio es evidente que los triunfos son más numerosos que los fracasos, y más allá de un par de inconvenientes mínimos con el passing y el ritmo general de la obra, estamos ante una serie simple y entretenida que cuenta con el potencial suficiente de ganarse nuestro aprecio a largo plazo.

¿Su mayor virtud? Sin necesidad de reventar la mitología creada por las tiras cómicas/serie original, Wednesday es una expansión orgánica de un universo gótico que puede escoger libremente que tan aferrada al realismo o a la ficción quiere estar, deviniendo en una historia en dónde difícilmente podremos adivinar que ocurrirá, y jugando con elementos sorprendentemente violentos que se entremezclan naturalmente con la comedia.


Los personajes introducidos no son nada del otro mundo pero también se entiende que necesitan tiempo para asentarse correctamente, es una serie visualmente llamativa y se mantiene lo suficientemente alejada de los tropos del género como para merecer una oportunidad.

Esperamos se mantenga sólida con el tiempo y bien por Netflix por no destruir una propiedad intelectual más.


Twitter/Instagram/Letterbox: Alxxssss



Solid. I look forward to more reviews on this before I check it out. I'm even more curious than I was before.

Thanks for your comment! To me, at least the first episode, is pretty good

From the poster, it totally has that Tim Burton vibe. I will be checking this out as I am quite a fan of Tim Burton!

Oh totally, and the Elfman music is amazing too

There is nothing original about it, it uses a lot of clichés of this kind of juvenile series, but it managed to hook me and I enjoyed it a lot. I didn't like the version of Homer Addams with the actor they selected, they have no chemistry with Catherine Zeta-Jones.


Do you think so? For me the casting was on point, at least from a visual point of view

I'm glad to hear that Wednesday starts off pretty decent. I really like The Addams Family and have been waiting for this series to begin. I believe that Jenna Ortega is a great pick for the lead role in the series. Of course, I expect some cliches like in other adolescent type shows but I just hope the series stays more original than familiar.

Oh totally, but is a totally decent adaptation otherwise