Ask Leo: what is the important of leoglossary to everyone in leofinance community?


Hello friends, welcome back to my blog this beautiful day. Happy to meet you again.

I really feel like doing this today. The say that information is power. This is the very reason why I want us to know the important of what we have in leofinance community. Maybe you have been using it or maybe not. But even if you have been using it, in order to know more, teach people more about leofinance community, and scale higher in the community, the often visit to leoglossary will be very important.

In this post, most of the things I will be doing is to provide link to how we can get information and also provide screenshots as well.

Let's get started:

  1. What is leoglossary?
    Leoglossary is like a dictionary, mainly concerned with all that we need to know about investing, Finance and cryptocurrency at large. You will get the answer to most of your questions arrange in alphabetical order.
  1. How or where can I get to know or see the informations in leoglossary?
    This is a Link to the latest leoglossary post made by @tasksmaster4450.👇

From this post you can see different links that will connect you to other post concerning leofinance community or leoglossary at large.

  1. Why do I need to often visit the leoglossary?
    In fact, as a committed member of leofinance community, all you need to do is make research on daily basis. There are so many things we need to know about cryptocurrency, also about the community of lions. If you don't visit leoglossary to seek for knowledge, then you will be left behind. So, I encourage both new and old members to visit the leoglossary.

Leopedia is also a very good place to visit and know more about leofinance community. All the terms that gives you problem in understanding them may be explained in leopedia. How to go to leopedia?
In your leofinance frontend, click on this 👇
Then click on leopedia. 👇
You move your handle to click on tutorial 👇
Next you click on
" frequently asked questions"

You can also ask questions about hive and hive glossary here.

hive glossary

Thanks for hopping in and reading through. Please encourage others to pay leoglossary a visit.
Have a nice day.

All the screenshot was done by myself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta