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RE: $72 Billion Worth of Dumb Money

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Meh. Life isn't fair. Let them have their fun. Doge gets people into crypto. Once they learn about it, they will start checking out other cryptos and like you said. This will be the start of the altseason. At some point Hive will profit from this and we will retain our newcomers much better than a useless memecoin.

On the other hand, doge is pretty decentralized and safe and it has low transaction costs. It could have a future as the cash of crypto, while Bitcoin is the gold of crypto, ETH is the internet and Hive is the social media. I would prefer Nano or Banano as cash of crypto, but we don't get to choose. :/

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That's a way more leveled approach than mine, for sure.

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