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RE: Crypto Competing On Technology Not On Monetary Policy.....YET!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Not entirely agreeing to this tho...

On the perspective of being an Alt kinda guy, it is unlikely for you to judge their selling points. I mean that's what trading is all about, you find a peak grab your profits and claim a larger position at a dip, this is the format it takes deep in the secondary markets, but else that, this are just a bunch of people in need of physical money and that's totally understandable...

Altcoins are cool, they add value to the entire network, and I know you didn't particularly say they don't. Bitcoin on the other hand is supreme, a large dump in BTC affects the entire market so every single project bleeds at its own volatility.

I love BTC and enjoy seeing it more up, because if BTC was to go down 50% in few minutes, a lot of more projects would loose their entire value to the dollar.

The system is still flawed technically, centralized bodies jumping in and adding to the energy, and honestly, looking at where their targets are, which is BTC, it's obvious their plans for the entire crypto space.

But in a way, I believe we can overcome, and I believe the most reason why so many of us dig Altcoins is because they are affordable and promises most returns in the long run for everyone.

I don't see a reason why cryptocurrencies holders are always picking up on each other and trynna make everything a competition, it really sucks and am looking forward to see the cryptocurrency to replace Fiat as a medium of daily trade, it definitely won't be bitcoin as that is far from reach, but fingers crossed as always...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's the beauty of it, you never have to agree, the market will eventually price everything correctly. A lot of alts are there today gone tomorrow in the last 8 years how many times has the top 10 changed under BTC? Quite a few I would imagine.

I agree alts have their place, its place for experimentation and being bold, like VC investing you invest in 10 companies, 2 boom the rest die, that's how it works.

I think we all just feel we want validation and to protect our investment so we bash other projects and try to get people to come over to our side because we have an economic incentive to do so, its the same with stocks, same with MMT'rs claiming fiat is the ultimate. It's not only a crypto thing its a human thing

While it can be toxic and annoying, it also keeps projects and communities on their toes calling out their bullshit. Not saying BTC is the holy grail and their community is the best, I'm just saying that if layer 2 starts to absorb a lot of alt features, and atomic swaps and interoperability becomes easier, then monetary policy is what will dictate the value and use of a coin.

I am not here to convince anyone, make your bets as you see fit and I make mine and the market decides which was the right bet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think most times we over shill projects for the merits of it, matter of fact part of those ten 10 cryptos you're talking about are still classified amongst Altcoins...

Yes definitely, we have shitty projects out there, but the using then "Alt" term just generalizes the whole thing, and what's most crucial to look at is, if Alts are to be erased from the picture, then the entire Crypto Space wouldn't be valued at all...

It's a good thing to have more projects unfold and propose new things, definitely new communities have to try and out shine the already existing ones, most may fail at it, but just stepping up shows that things are being done and there's more interest to better the network.

We all want the "utility of cryptocurrency" at a world adoption, regardless what coin is most recommended, people will always have different taste.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, it's a naming issue and marketing issue, but altcoins do tend to rely on being conflicted as money to gather investment.

I think we do need better naming/categories for it like

  • Equity token
  • Debt token
  • Utility token

So people can understand okay these are more apples with apples and these are more oranges with oranges. Instead of lumping them all in a big pile.

Its like an ETF is not a stock, and a stock is not a currency, they all have markets and features and benefits.

I'm here man I believe in this shit, fiat isn't getting me anywhere. I want this to succeed. Bitcoin isn't going to change regardless of my praise or hate for it, same with alts.

I'm just here to learn and be called out on my bullshit too lol its so easy to get caught up in these things, I am trying to emotionally distance myself from it lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta