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RE: Cancel Culture vs Parlor and Trump: Bad For Crypto 100%

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The worst part is that competition isn’t even there to regulate this bulkshit to AWS pulls the plug and Gcloud, Azure and others aren’t trying to touch Parlour

I don’t really care about what people use those apps for all I see is a means to kneecap any sort of competition who is to say AWS doesn’t throttle projects it likes vs ones it doesn’t?

Without options you have no freedom

While BTC and ETH the networks may be able to continue what about the asset?

What is even the point of being wealthy from Bitcoin let’s say but you can only spend it a certain way, they could choose to tax it into their oblivion if you try to cash out and loads of other regulation

What I hope to see as more people become wealthy and have a stake in it theres a push back on how it can be regulated because there’s so many with stake in it it’s in their interest not to fuck with it

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