Let's consider investments in the current times of the crypto market.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Greetings to all readers of this great platform, especially to those who make life in the great community of #LeoFinance, in the present opportunity I want to talk a little about the crypto market, and the consideration of investments in the current moments, what are the points in favor and possible points against about this moment of the market, considering that there are good and bad points in the current moments to consider a possible economic investment.

Screenshot taken at: PixaBay

First of all we must take into consideration the time that the market has been down, being almost a year we are very close to the end of the bear market, being a very latent possibility, besides that the market has made a behavior that can be considered very positive considering the possible accumulation zone, which has not lowered its price of 18k and has remained for some months in that area, reaching up to 24k price in due course.

Making investments at the present time can bring very good results, in case the crypto market begins a recovery this month, being this situation the one that we can consider as the most positive for investors, although it is not the most likely, but in this way being patient and taking into consideration that the market can recover, we can take advantage of the full market rise, and thus get the maximum return.

If the market goes down when making the investment it is only a matter of waiting, that the market recovers in due time, but always take into consideration that there are many possibilities that the interest rates continue to increase, since generally these should increase a little more than the percentage of inflation in order to control this situation and if this happens many investors prefer bonds with stable currency and fixed % of profits, depending on the interest rate, so we must be careful with the decisions we make.

All the images used by the Author @Chucho27 are Public Domain, in each one of them you can find the source of the image.

The image used in the banner at the bottom is by the author @chucho27, made using the Canva application.


greetings @chucho27
if you doubt that the market is to make investments and wait to be able to capitalize, these are the best times to enter.

Yes it can be a great time, or maybe it will be a time when the market will go down once again, a difficult situation to predict but if you invest and are not afraid of a new downturn in the market, everything will be fine in a short time.