March AI Madness: A Review of Recent Developments and their Implications for the Future


The field of artificial intelligence has seen significant developments in March alone, which appear to be stunning and exciting. Using its current capabilities without any additional speculations, these developments can change a lot in our lives. To clarify, what are the developments we witnessed this month?

Please note that the order of the points in this text is not accurate and does not reflect the actual dates of their occurrence. The events occurred in a non-sequential manner and on different dates from each other.

1- OpenAI, the company that developed ChatGPT, announced a new release of their language AI algorithm: GPT-4, which outperforms the previous version GPT-3.5, as it now supports image and video comprehension and is incredibly powerful.

2- Microsoft announced that the chat feature in their search engine Bing now supports the use of the GPT-4 algorithm.

3- Microsoft then announced the addition of an intelligent assistant to all Office software, which allows drawing, email analysis, text writing, and linking various programs (such as getting statistics from an Excel table, predicting the future, summarizing it with graphs, and sending it via email, for example). This assistant is called Co-Pilot.

4- Then, Microsoft announced the integration of the assistant into the PowerApps program, which is used to build programs without coding, making the creation process much easier.

5- Regarding Google, it announced the launch of Bard (similar to ChatGTP), but they seem to have lagged a bit in this field, as its capabilities are much weaker at the moment.

6- Then, Google announced the integration of AI algorithms with their office programs, in addition to the hosting services they provide.

7- The fifth version of MidJourney was released, which is a program for creating graphics through writing, and many creative images were created using this wonderful program.

8- Adobe announced its new program, Adobe FireFly, which aims to compete with other programs for creating graphics and advertisements. The program includes unparalleled capabilities, making it superior to competitors.

9- NVIDIA, thanks to its graphics cards which are considered the magic that makes everything possible, announced the launch of a hosting and running package for artificial intelligence algorithms for large companies. Now any company can easily perform such tasks by just pressing two buttons.

10- Microsoft has released a version of its handwriting-to-drawing algorithm and made it available to everyone without the need for registration.

11- Facebook announced in late February (about two months ago) its smart language algorithm LLaMa, which works in the same way as GPT but is highly customized, according to their description.

12- Just a week ago, OpenAI announced a feature called "Plugins" that allows ChatGPT to connect to third-party programs, such as fact-checking websites (such as WolframAlpha), booking sites, and even the internet itself, to access the latest information. This feature will open up new doors for various applications.

13- Also last week, GitHub announced the updated version of their programming assistant, Copilot X, which is based on GPT-4 technology and could become a tool like a calculator for programmers. It writes programs, explains them, tests them, writes descriptions for them, and more.

Question: What does this mean?

The issue is that this acceleration confirms that intense competition is revolving around this topic, and everyone is trying to enter the new market with all their might.

Innovations in artificial intelligence algorithms in the past month have been much greater than what has been developed in previous years due to all the money and focus directed towards this field.

This type of competition is what creates the big change that happened in the past 30 years and led to the emergence of the internet. The competitive atmosphere is similar to the atmosphere of the struggle that occurred during the mobile phone revolution.

There is a funny news (at least for me) which is that Microsoft has laid off about 10,000 employees recently, including a whole team specialized in ethics related to artificial intelligence programming, and they are not among the company's priorities now, which means that determining the ethical standards for what is produced and whether certain programs should be launched or not is not a priority. However, the company is still working at full capacity.

What is evident is that this event turns the situation upside down, not only among specialists and interested parties, but among everyone. And these upheavals mean a lot.

Question: What does this also mean?

The meaning is that the previous discussion, without adding any further details, can lead to significant changes in many things, including the need for designers, photographers, programmers, screenwriters, medical analysts, lawyers, image and video editing software, copyright and ownership, and identifying the rightful owner. This does not necessarily mean complete reliance on them, but it can lead to significant changes in the market.

Most likely, this issue is irreversible, and it will lead to significant changes in current possibilities, with some need for further exploration to achieve these changes.

The way the internet and advertising work is also likely to change, as the use of search engines decreases and the use of chat programs that provide instant results without the need for search increases. Therefore, Google may be significantly affected.

This discussion is also supposed to affect our concept of ourselves as humans, as GPT-4 is capable of surpassing humans in many university tests in different fields, in addition to creating programs to create graphics, music, and stories. This affects the creative privacy of humans, which was the distinguishing point that characterized us.

Question: What will the future hold?

It seems that predicting the future is difficult, and I do not like to talk about predictions. However, it is likely that current industries will undergo significant changes in the future, which may lead to job loss or significant changes in the nature of work.

From an ethical perspective, industries must be regulated to maintain ethics and fundamental principles, to prevent conflicts between companies and military applications and weapons that could pose a threat to humanity.

The rapid development of technology could result in drastic changes in several industries within a few years, but this is subject to the presence of ethics and principles that govern the use of these technologies.

In addition, the negative impact of the internet on our lives may increase if it is used inappropriately, such as the widespread dissemination of fake news and misinformation created by robots and propaganda tools.



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Yes I think we will feel the impact of these developments much later. And they are huge. It speaks a lot for a company to let go the ethics team. As a philosopher this triggers me. I admit that chatgpt has been useful for me too, but when I imagine more potentious AIs in the hands of the wrong persons.. well good night

We will see what future brings, thanks for sharing

I completely understand your concerns about the potential misuse of powerful AIs in the wrong hands. As AI technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, it is important that we prioritize ethical considerations in their development and use. The decision to let go of an ethics team is indeed a troubling one, and it highlights the need for continued scrutiny and discussion of the ethical implications of AI