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RE: Bitten by Blight

in LeoFinance2 years ago

What a crazy end to the sale lots of changes in the last 10 mins it was insane.
Congrats on your title and all the Doctor Blights, I ended up securing 63 packs and just enough vouchers to get me the 1 Doctor Blight.

It may have been better to go with selling my vouchers for more packs but damn I wanted one of those bad boys soooo bad so I had to do it lol. Good luck on your pulls I cannot wait till December 8th haha.


I didn't get to watch it, as it was about 4am my time.

What league do you normally play in? I think the blight should be pretty good throughout all.

Good luck on your pulls I cannot wait till December 8th haha.

You too mate - just imagine all the posts about openings! :D

I play in silver and will be for a good while, I have been building my deck with silver limits in mind. Hopefully, gold someday because that is my favourite league to play in but nowhere near the cards I need to compete in it.

Yes there will be so many I'm hoping to have some myself, My first true big pack opening not just one pack hoping and praying lol. But I expect to see some crazy posts and videos when it first drops.