January 20th 2021 - Smile on Peter Schiff's Face

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Screenshot_20210120 Bitcoin price, BTC price index, chart, and info CoinGecko.png

Today is supposed to be the first day of new US administration, which is supposed to bring United States and the rest of the world into some sort of normalcy. That "normalcy" is, of course, going to clash with the dreaded "New Normal" and any attempt to magically restore the world that existed before January 2017 is doomed to fail. On the other hand, it won't happen for the lack of trying by at least some Powers That Be, and it is certain that those attempts will only add misery to the world.

Markets, on the other hand, are appearing calm, with the general outcome of the election being pre-determined long before November 3rd 2020 and all the developments related to new administration being already priced in. Some markets are calmer than others and it could be seen in the way gold apparently decoupled from Bitcoin. Gold went up today, although predictably, lower, while the Bitcoin went significantly lower, with the new US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen adding the FUD with her crypto-unfriendly remarks in the Senate. Those developments, in most likelihood, won't become part of long-lasting trend, but today is the day that would, at least temporarily, bring smile to Peter Schiff's face.

Minds profile https://www.minds.com/drax_rp_nc
Uptrennd profile https://www.uptrennd.com/user/MTYzNA
Noise Cash profile https://noise.cash/u/drax

Rising Star game: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=drax

BTC donations: 1EWxiMiP6iiG9rger3NuUSd6HByaxQWafG
ETH donations: 0xB305F144323b99e6f8b1d66f5D7DE78B498C32A7

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