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RE: COMBINE Twitter & SEO For MASSIVE Traffic To LeoFinance!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Follow these 3 simple steps and you're off to a great start:

  • Pick one of the top 10 posts that already ranks.
  • Create a supporting post on the same topic.
  • Link to the original post under relevant anchor text.

I'd love to read and support more authors who create quality supporting posts like this.

Remember that organic traffic is the most sustainable way to increase the price of the LEO token.

More traffic leads to more ad revenue, and ultimately more token burns that put in a price floor.

To any curators who have a sizable LEO stake, it's in your best interests to also create/support this sort of content.

I'd encourage anyone with stake, to try and reward authors who consider SEO in the content they create.

The only way to incentivise a lift in quality, is to stop rewarding content that provides no real value.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'd love to read and support more authors who create quality supporting posts like this.

It would be extremely valuable content so literally everyone, especially large stakeholders should do the same and I agree with what you said about organic traffic and the price of LEO. You're 100% correct!

Organic traffic is definitely the key ingredient in our success-recipe. On all levels.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta