
Similar to you, I do have some "half-liquid" HIVE and I should get to my ORCA rank (probably at NewYear powerup)... I still need some WORKERBEE to arrange, the rest is achievable...
My main obstacle at the moment is the GLX token... lol... I'm buying and staking most of them in a hope that the next year, it should bring me some returns... It is a kind of gambling as there is no game, nor a product, but I'm taking that risk...


I took a moderate approach to GLX. Yes, the APR is huge, so I keep and stake part of it, but I also sell part of it to use for other purposes.

In a week and a half staking rewards for GLG packs will start. Another source of inflation that may bring the price as well as the APR further down.

The price of GLX tokens will go down and there is no doubt about that, but I think that with this APR (until a certain moment), the price drop is compensated with it... I mean, you mine more tokens, that in total will value more even with a lower price... But, nobody knows what price it will drop, and in what timeframe...

Now that you have opened a discussion about GLG packs staking, I have checked it out... But, if I have understood well (please correct me), pack stakers should get (at the current amount of sold packs) around 27 GLX tokens per pack... but in total, not daily... It is like $2.43 at the current GLX price, but I doubt that it will hold that price... This leads that the APR on staking could max 45%, but in reality, it will be much less...

I know that you will have packs as an asset that has its own value, but still, I think I will skip that part... Maybe when packs come to the end of the $5 price, I will buy some... But, until then, I will stick to GLX tokens staking...