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RE: IDOs On Cubfinance Not Endorsed By Leofinance Team

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I'm not 100% sure. For the base service, it should be how you describe it. But there might be different "levels" of the service. Plus, I'm pretty sure they endorse their own product, which is IDO #2.

But this had to be said. Just because something will be added to Cub Finance launchpad, won't make it automatically endorsed by Cub Finance or Khal or the team. It's the same with the base platforms for kingdoms actually.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That is true. We all have to assess the risk with Kingdom and enter what we feel comfortable with.

I am sure they are not signing up things they know to be scams but they are still offering a service to the project teams to utilize.

It is up to us to decide what we think about the individual projects for ourselves.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am sure they are not signing up things they know to be scams but they are still offering a service to the project teams to utilize.

Yup, they chose these first kingdoms very carefully. But Khal was considering adding some risky but very rewarding (temporarily at least) kingdoms at some point, with proper disclaimers.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta